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This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from March 18, 2022 - June 10, 2022

The Alchemist is a Season 4 kit on March 18, 2022. His special item is the brewing cauldron, which lets him brew kit-exclusive potions, those being sleep splash potions, heal splash potions, poison splash potions, and time bomb potions and non kit-exclusive big shields which all require other special items as ingredients that can be foraged around the map, which are flowers, thorns, and mushrooms. He could be unlocked by reaching level 10 in the Season 4 Free Pass. He is in the Support classsupport class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Brewing Cauldron[]

Main article: Brewing Cauldron

The Alchemist can buy brewing cauldrons from the Item Shop for 15 IronCroppedIron each, which can be used to brew various potions, given that the right ingredients are used. They can only hold 3 ingredients maximum.


Main articles: Flower, Mushroom, and Thorn

Three ingredients, flowers, mushrooms, and thorns, will spawn around the map and can only be seen and picked up by the Alchemist. Pressing the F key will pick up the ingredients. They will be lost upon death, but can be dropped and put in chests.


Main articles: Sleep Splash Potion, Heal Potion, Poison Potion, Big Shield and Time Bomb Potion

To brew a potion, the Alchemist must hold an ingredient (listed above) to be able to deposit ingredients into the brewing cauldron by pressing F. Once a cauldron is full, it will start brewing for 4 seconds, in which the completed potion will sit in the brewing cauldron's inventory until collected.

The type of ingredients in the cauldron when it starts brewing will determine the type of potion brewed. Order does not matter.

Ingredients Potion Effect of Potion
Mushroom + Mushroom + Mushroom Sleep Splash PotionSleep Splash Potion Makes enemies in a nearby radius become stunned and fall asleep.
Flower + Flower + Flower Heal Splash PotionHeal Splash Potion Heals everyone near the splash radius 30 health.
Mushroom + Mushroom + Thorns Poison Splash PotionPoison Splash Potion Deal poison damage in ticks for a short duration. If the enemy reaches 25%-5% of their max health, the poison will deactivate and not damage the enemy.
Thorns + Thorns + Flower Big ShieldBig Shield Allows the player to consume 30 shield HP.
Any other combinations Time Bomb PotionTime Bomb Potion Deals 25 damage to nearby enemies and to the consumer with a short delay.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Due to the ingredients spawning around the map, it’s best to go grab ingredients all around your base. Now, you can buy a brewing cauldron that is 15 IronCroppedIron. Now, brew your potions. The most efficient potions to use are the Heal Splash Potion, the Poison Splash Potion, the Big Shield and the Sleep Splash Potion. Practice brewing potions in a custom match to memorize the recipes, so you won't need to refer to an outside source for potion recipes.

The Healing Splash potion can be used to quickly heal you and your teammates 30 HP, so you can use it in tight situations, plus it doesn't heal enemies so you can use it in close range combat.

When using the Poison Splash Potion, however, it's a good idea to use it before entering combat, as if you are actively fighting enemies you might not pay attention and accidentally poison yourself.

When using the Sleep Splash Potion, it’s most important to use it while a player with higher tier armor is chasing you. The sleep splash potion makes the player sleep for about 3 seconds, which is enough time to get about a few hits on the player. Now, you have a higher chance to win the fight, as the player was frozen for a few seconds. Additionally, if you can time it correctly, you can use it on an enemy near the edge and then knock them into the void while they are asleep. The Sleep Splash Potion can also be used to stall enemies while breaking a bed.

Alchemist has other potions as well, like the Time Bomb Potion and the Big Shield Potion. The Time Bomb Potion is nearly useless as it deals self-damage. The Big Shield Potion can be used to gain an extra 30 shield in combat, which can help drastically.

Do note that all of Alchemist's potions are droppable, so you can brew potions and then give them to your teammates to let them gain the benefits as well. Additionally, while throwing a potion your movement will be slowed down drastically, so aim quickly.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

March 18, 2022 Alchemist Added the Alchemist.
March 25, 2022 Fixed a bug that allowed the Alchemist to duplicate ingredients.
October 27, 2023 Buff 2 thorns and a flower now brew a Big Shield rather than a Mini Shield.
December 8, 2023 Buff Increased ingredients spawned at the start of the match.
April 12, 2024 Nerf Cauldrons now have a placement limit of 3.
Neutral Cauldrons no longer have collision.
April 19, 2024 Buff Increased ingredients spawned at the start of the match: 10 → 15
Buff Increased duration before ingredients despawn from 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 seconds.
November 22, 2024 Buff Slightly increased the spawn rate of ingredients.
Buff Decreased the walk speed reduction when throwing the heal splash potions, poison splash potions and sleep splash.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • The Alchemist is one out of four kits that have the ability to deal poison damage, the others being Raven , Jack and Wren
  • There was a glitch which allowed players to duplicate the ingredients, allowing for mass production of potions.
  • The Alchemist's design is most likely based off the 3-0-0 Berserker Brew Alchemist Monkey from Bloons TD 6, with the barrel, goggles, and overcoat worn.
  • Brewing Cauldrons were sometimes dysfunctional for the Alchemist.
    • This has been fixed.
  • The Alchemist used to brew mini shields.
  • Alchemist it the second kit with the most kit-exclusive items, with 9 of them.
  • There is a bug where if an enemy player mines Alchemist's cauldrons, he cannot place more.
