BedWars Wiki
Whisper Unamused
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Assassin ducks are mobs that can be spawned with a Lucky Block. They function exactly like battle ducks but can be either friendly to the player's team or hostile to every player.

Movement class Behavior[]


When assassin ducks detect an enemy or player nearby, it will start chasing it until the enemy or player either gets killed or when they are out of the duck's detection radius. The size of the duck's detection radius is unknown.


Assassin ducks will move in random directions to cover as much ground as possible. However, because of this, there will be times when they fall off into the void and die.

Breaking Blocks[]

When assassin ducks get stuck, instead of exploding like the penguins, they instead break blocks. This means that if they are stuck beside a bed, they could potentially break the bed.

Auto Bridge[]

Assassin ducks always build blocks underneath them whenever they cross void gaps or build up to chase players.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

February 11, 2022 Assassin Duck Added assasin ducks.

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Assassin ducks have the same AI as penguins, meaning it has a lot of properties similar to penguins, like patterns, abilities like block-breaking, and being able to build on air.
  • There is a bug where ducks can push dropped items.
  • Assassin ducks can suffocate players if they cover them in blocks.
  • When spawned from a lucky block, they have a 'Scary Duck' name tag.