BedWars Wiki

Not to be confused with Void Axe.

Axes are tools, like pickaxes, and are used to break blocks placed by players. However, some blocks like oak wood and beds are broken much faster with an axe. If a player dies with an axe, they will not lose it.



Axes can be bought from the Item Shop, in order from weakest to strongest.

Image Name Previous item Buy price
Wood Axe Wooden Axe None 20 IronCroppedIron
Stone Axe Stone Axe Wooden Axe 20 IronCroppedIron
Iron Axe Iron Axe Stone Axe 30 IronCroppedIron
Diamond Axe Diamond Axe Iron Axe 60 IronCroppedIron


Breaking blocks[]

Axes can be used to break blocks that were placed by players. They cannot break blocks that are part of the map. Axes break oak and enemy team beds faster than a pickaxe. From weakest to strongest in terms of damage: Wooden, Stone, Iron and Diamond.

An axe is best for breaking oak and enemy beds, and as the axe is upgraded, they will take fewer hits to break. However, any tier axe will take the same number of hits for stone and obsidian. See Wool, Oak Wood Plank, Stone Brick, and Obsidian for more information.


Whisper Unamused
This section is incomplete. Please continue to add info to this section until it is finished.
This section is lacking: The old diamond axe picture.
May 28, 2021 Wood AxeStone AxeIron AxeDiamond Axe Added wood, stone, iron and diamond axes.
September 24, 2021 Nerf Decreased axe base damage from 5 to 4
? Diamond Axe Fixed the diamond axe's appearance in the hotbar and inventory.


  • When BedWars was first released, the diamond axe looked like blastproof ceramic in a player's inventory or hotbar.
  • In order to get from Wooden Axe to Diamond Axe, the player needs a total of 130 IronCroppedIron.
  • The diamond axe is the only axe with a unique model.
  • All of the models are based off of’s other game, Islands.
  • The break damage can be buffed using the Yeti kit.
  • Axes cannot be purchased from the Item shop if you are using the Miner Kit.
    • Players can give Axes to players using the Miner kit with chests.