BedWars Wiki

Axolotls are entities that grant temporary boosts to the player or nearby teammates when activated. They are exclusive to the Axolotl Amy kit. They are permanent and will not be lost upon death.



Axolotls can be purchased from the item shop for different prices. When purchased, the axolotl will revolve around the player, rather than being in the player's inventory.

Image Name Previous item Buy cost
Shield Axolotl Shield Axolotl None 40 IronCroppedIron
Damage Axolotl Damage Axolotl Shield Axolotl 90 IronCroppedIron
Break Speed Axolotl Break Speed Axolotl Damage Axolotl 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald
Regen Axolotl Health Regen Axolotl Break Speed Axolotl 5 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald



Axolotls have different requirements in order to activate and grant various temporary buffs. Nearby teammates can also receive these buffs if they activate them.

Axolotl type Effect Duration
Shield Axolotl Upon taking damage, this axolotl grants the player 15 Shield HP. 4 seconds
Damage Axolotl When damaging an enemy, this axolotl increases the player's damage by 16%.
Break Speed Axolotl When breaking blocks, this axolotl increases the player's break speed by 1.6x
Health Regen Axolotl When damaged to half of user max HP, this axolotl restores 1% of user max HP every 0.4 seconds for 12 ticks.


November 1, 2021 Shield axolotlDamage axolotlBreak speed axolotlRegen axolotl Added axolotls.
December 23, 2021 Reindeer Axolotl Added Reindeer Trainer skin.
April 15, 2022 Easter Shield AxolotlEaster Damage AxolotlEaster Break Speed AxolotlEaster Health Regen Axolotl Added Easter Bunny skin.
September 9, 2022 Fixed a bug that caused axolotls to not grant buffs when inside of Custom Matches.
November 18, 2022 Buff Decreased break speed axolotl price from 3 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald.
December 9, 2022 Nerf Decreased shield axolotl shield HP from 10 to 8.
Nerf Decreased damage axolotl damage increase from 20% to 16%.
March 31, 2023 Nerf Increased shield axolotl price from 20 IronCroppedIron to 30 IronCroppedIron.
Nerf Increased damage axolotl price from 50 IronCroppedIron to 60 IronCroppedIron.
? Buff Increased health regeneration axolotl’s healing from 1 HP per tick to 1% of max health per tick.
August 18, 2023 Nerf Decreased shield axolotl shield HP from 8 to 6.
Nerf Increased cooldown for health regeneration axolotl per tick from 0.2s to 0.4s.
Nerf Decreased break speed axolotl multiplier from 1.4x to 1.2x.
January 19, 2024 Buff Increased shield axolotl shield HP from 6 to 10.
Buff Decreased break speed axolotl price from 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald to 80 IronCroppedIron.
Buff Decreased health regen axolotl price from 6 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 4 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald.
April 5, 2024 Nerf Increased shield axolotl price from 30 IronCroppedIron to 50 IronCroppedIron.
Nerf Increased damage axolotl price from 60 IronCroppedIron to 100 IronCroppedIron.
Nerf Increased break speed axolotl price from 80 IronCroppedIron to 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald.
Nerf Increased health regen axolotl price from 4 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 6 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald.
May 31, 2024 Buff Increased break speed axolotl multiplier from 1.2x to 1.4x.
December 20, 2024 Buff Increased break speed axolotl multiplier from 1.4x to 1.6x.
Buff Decreased shield axolotl price from 50 IronCroppedIron to 40 IronCroppedIron.
Buff Decreased damage axolotl price from 100 IronCroppedIron to 90 IronCroppedIron.
Buff Decreased break speed axolotl price from 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald.
Buff Decreased health regen axolotl price from 6 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 5 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald.
January 17, 2025 Buff Increased shield provided by shield axolotl from 10 to 15.

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  • This is the first purchasable item in the shop that doesn't get stored in the player's inventory, rather, it revolves around the player.
  • In the Infected gamemode, axolotls can still empower the infected who purchased them.
  • Axolotls would sometimes apply buffs to enemies as well.
    • This has been patched.
  • Reindeer axolotls have collisions enabled.
  • The reindeer axolotls would sometimes 'flick'.
  • Axolotls can be spawned in Custom Matches, but they have no effect.
  • The axolotls were very buggy at release and caused the map to be covered in the colors of the axolotls.