BedWars Wiki

Barbarian is one of the three original kits added on June 14, 2021. His special ability lets him gain rage by attacking enemies, which can upgrade his sword to the Rageblade. He could be unlocked by purchasing the Holiday Bundle 2021 for Robux 1499 Robux , and currently can be unlocked by purchasing him directly for BedCoins 10,000 BedCoins or Robux 399 Robux , by opening him from a lucky crate, or by being gifted him by someone else via Robux Robux . He is in the Fighter class fighter class.

Movement class Abilities[]


Barbarian has a "Rage" bar that fills whenever he deals damage to an opponent with any weapon; one rage is equivalent to one damage with melee weapons and two damage with ranged weapons. After an opponent spawns, there is a 14.5-second cooldown before Barbarian can get rage from them. When full, his sword will be upgraded, and the bar will restart. Upon dying, he loses half of his total rage, which can downgrade his sword. The rage bar can stack beyond the rageblade, with 1,155 rage dealt to get a rageblade upon death, with a 2x increase per rageblade upon death that stacks multiplicatively. This mechanic replaces the shop ability to buy swords.

Barbarian Rage Bar
Icon Name Rage required to upgrade
Wood Sword Wooden Sword 100
Stone Sword Stone Sword 200
Iron Sword Iron Sword 330
Diamond Sword Diamond Sword 525
Rageblade Rageblade 1,155 for first Rageblade, stacking by 2x per rageblade upon death


Main article: Rageblade

The Emerald Sword is replaced with the Rageblade when Barbarian reaches 1,155 rage. It deals 70 damage and is the most powerful sword in the game, alongside being the third most powerful melee-weapon in the game.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Barbarian is the epitome of early-game playability. His ability to upgrade to the rageblade for free can be maximized by strategizing and outplaying enemies to get rage. He also can exploit the Eldertree health system by targeting Eldertree and farming rage from it. Thanks to the rage mechanic relying on only the raw number of damage you deal, the Eldertree's health makes it an easy way to solve any problems with swords. He has basically no weakness if you use it right, with the only mild inconveniences being knockback and falls, both of which should be a pushover. Begin with iron armor to counter people using leather and are teamfighting so early in the game. Then, either get pick kills (catch someone by surprise before they have a chance to kill you) or kill steals. However, once you get to around a diamond sword, stop fighting and grab emeralds, and also get kills on people who are alone and are trying to steal the emerald objectives. Use all your stat points on 3 damage, then armor. As you are outscaling them, you need to get diamond armor if you want to actually fight with your Rageblade because you take 14 damage via iron sword against iron armor, and with a lot of enemies swarming you, that adds up. To solve this even further, use Forest 3 immediately (this is why you want that objective so early in the game). Keep in mind that you can stack rage beyond the Rageblade infinitely, so you can receive the Rageblade upon dying multiple times.

At 13 minutes, the Titan will spawn in the middle of the map. The Titan’s Blessing is one of the most important in the game, being the ability to be immune to tesla coils, which halve your health regeneration and can screw you over if used correctly by the enemy, in addition to a 20% damage buff. Do not spawnkill at camps until you have gotten Titan’s Blessing. Then, get Berserker and go, you can use the spawnkills to initially build up rage or slowly break beds, though keep in mind that it's not going to give you an infinite rage glitch since if you kill an enemy, you can't get rage from him if you hit him in the last 15 seconds. Keep spawnkilling until the Buff is at 50 seconds left. Then, use an Telepearl and get out of there with your loot and huge bounty. Make sure to store all of it in your chest to not have your loot stolen. Then, prioritize emerald armor and get the second Blessing and repeat until deathmatch, where you still can spawnkill every single person in the game. Make sure to also get blastproof ceramic to bridge with or obsidian, as they are immune to fireballs and can save you from explosions if enough of them is made to build a large enough platform. For high level players, they most likely will figure out you're a Barbarian and will inevitably target you to try and limit you from being a supercarry, since Barbarian relies on tanking and attacking at the extreme. To limit this, convince any Support kits like Whisper to buff you.

Contract Contracts[]

Main article: Kit Contracts/Barbarian
Tier Image Rewards Requirements Kit Required
1 Noimageblock Kit Mastery emote 3 wins No
2 Barbarian Rageblade Swords Barbarian Rageblade Swords emote 20 kills
3 Lucky Crate Lucky Crate 10 wins
4 Barbarian Helmet Barbarian Helmet lobby gadget 20 wins & 50 kills Yes
5 Barbarian on Fire Barbarian on Fire emote 150 kills
6 Rageblade Rage Blade kill effect 300 kills & 40 wins
7 Lucky Crate Lucky Crate 70 wins & 500 kills
8 Barbarian Rageblade Master Barbarian Rageblade Master emote 750 kills
9 Barbarian Barbarian title 100 wins No
10 Juggernaut Barbarian Juggernaut Barbarian win effect 150 wins & 1500 kills Yes

*Contract rewards require previous level requirements before getting earned.

Eye Symbol Lore[]

Main article: Kit Lore Pages/Barbarian

Barbarian appears in one lore story, that being In Solitude - The Noble Savage.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

June 14, 2021 Old Barbarian Added Barbarian.
June 28, 2021 Buff Barbarian now gains rage on kill.
Buff Reduced diamond and emerald sword rage requirements.
July 5, 2021 Buff Barbarian can now obtain the rageblade instead of an emerald sword.
October 2, 2021 Barbarian Changed the model of Barbarian.
Removed earning rage from self-damaging with TNT
Buff Reduced rage requirements for all sword upgrades
November 9, 2021 Changed rage bar's color.
December 23, 2021 Deep Void Barbarian Added Deep Void skin.
February 11, 2022 Nerf Increased rage requirements for the iron sword, diamond sword, and the rageblade.
March 25, 2022 Victorious Barbarian Added Victorious skin.
September 2, 2022 Buff Decreased rage requirements for the stone sword and iron sword.
Fixed a bug that caused Barbarian to not gain rage.
September 9, 2022 Fixed a bug that caused Barbarian's ability to not work inside of Custom Matches.
December 2, 2022 Fixed a bug regarding Barbarian's kit skin.
April 7, 2023 BarbunnyAdded Barbunny skin.
May 19, 2023 Buff Decreased damage requirement to unlock the stone sword from 125 damage to 100 damage.
Buff Decreased damage requirement to unlock the iron sword from 325 damage to 300 damage.
August 25, 2023 Added Barbarian contracts.
October 13, 2023 Corrupted BarbarianAdded Corrupted skin.
February 2, 2024 Buff Decreased damage requirement to unlock diamond sword from 750 to 700 damage
Buff Actually decreased damage requirement to unlock the iron sword from 325 damage to 300 damage.
May 3, 2024 Buff Lowered rage requirements for swords.
Nerf Reduced rage gain by half for projectiles.
September 27, 2024 Buff Increased rage-per-damage conversion by 2.5% on all weapons.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Players using Barbarian could buy Emerald Swords upon release.
    • This has since been patched.
  • Barbarian’s corrupted skin is a reference to a Friday Night Funkin’ mod called “Friday Night Funkin’: Corruption”.
  • This kit has had the most buffs, receiving a total of 9.
  • Players that are using the kit skin will have "rage particles" surrounding them, while the special symbols on the skin will glow neon red if they have attained a Rageblade.
  • The "Banana Barbarian" emote still represents the old Barbarian skin.
  • The rage meter was changed from red to dark gold so players wouldn't mistake it for the health bar.
  • Barbarian, alongside Axolotl Amy, were the first kits to get kit skins.
    • Barbarian has the most skins totaling at 5.
  • Barbarian can be seen in the glitch kill effect icon.
    • This is the first Kit in the game that is shown in a Final Kill Effect icon (Glitch Kill Effect). The second being Cobalt (Rave Kill Effect), and the third being Cyber. (Portal Kill Effect).
  • This is the first kit to have it's model changed, with the second being Farmer Cletus, the third being Bounty Hunter, the fourth being Spirit Catcher and the fifth being Zeno.
  • There was a glitch where the rage meter wouldn't show on the players screen but the player would still gain rage upon dealing damage.
    • This has been patched.
  • Barbarian was the first kit to have its kit item be available as a lobby gadget, with Jade, Raven, and Freiya being second, Ember and Lumen being third, Hannah being fourth, Crypt being fifth, Adetunde being sixth and Void regent being seventh.
  • Due to the mechanic of the Execute Enchantment, Barbarian is able to gain a rageblade with one kill.
    • This has been changed, as Execute had been reworked.
  • Barbarian is the first kit to receive kit contracts and lore, the second being Evelynn.
