BedWars Wiki
Battle Pass
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6
Season 7 Season 8 Season 9 Season 10 Season 11 Season 12
Penguin Sleep
This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from March 18, 2022 - June 10, 2022

Economy class Gamepass[]

The Season 4 Battle Pass costs Robux 799 Robux and grants players access to Battle Pass exclusive items and 20% XP Battle Pass XP XP.

Economy class Rewards[]

Level (Free) Pass Rewards Battle Pass Rewards
1 "Update Hype" emote Update Hype "Ice Sword" lobby gadget Ice Sword
"Rock Out" emote Rock Out
"Hype" emote Hype
"Aery Read" emote Aery Read
2 "Aery Winstreak" emote Aery Winstreak Blossom Emoji (Twitter Type) Tulip Emoji (Twitter Type) Sunflower Emoji (Twitter Type) title
3 None "Clan Invite" emote Clan Invite
4 None "Aery Good Luck" emote Aery Good Luck
5 "Wave" emote Wave Metal Detector kit Metal Detector
kill effect
6 Bork title "Builder Speechless" emote Builder Speechless
7 None Combo Master title
8 None "Vanessa Speechless" emote Vanessa Speechless
9 Blossom title None
10 Alchemist kit Alchemist None
11 None "Don't Rush Me Pls" emote Don't Rush Me Pls
12 Tiger Brawler Freiya kit skin Tiger Brawler Freiya
13 "Spirit Teamwork" emote Spirit Teamwork None
14 None Skywars Main title
15 "Raven" lobby gadget Ravens None
16 "To Battle!" emote To Battle! "Miner UWU" emote Miner UWU
17 None Enchanter title
18 None "Ouchies" emote Ouchies
19 None "Injured" emote Noimageblock
20 Sheep Herder kit Sheep Herder Lobby Titles#Season 4 titles title
21 Spirit Spammer title "Pro Aery" emote Pro Aery
22 None "Grab" emote Grab
23 "Grim Reaper GG" emote Grim Reaper GG Emotional Damage title
24 None "Surprised Freiya" emote Surprised Freiya
25 "Bounty Hunter Mad" emote Bounty Hunter Mad None
26 "Grim Reaper Sticker" emote Grim Reaper Sticker None
27 None "Jade GG" emote Jade GG
28 Rabbit title "Jade Heart" emote Jade Heart
kill effect
Bird Final Kill Effect None
30 None Crocowolf kit Crocowolf
"Slay" emote Slay
31 None "Celebration!" emote Celebration!
32 None "Duck Celebration" emote Duck Celebration
33 "Party Up" emote Party Up Juggernaut title
34 Happy Easter title "Miner HAHA!" emote Miner HAHA!
35 None "Jade Hammer" lobby gadget Jade Hammer
36 None Potter title
37 "Thumbs Down" emote Thumbs Down "LOL" emote LOL
38 None Arrow Magnet title
39 None Rabbit Emoji (Twitter Type) title
40 Conqueror Conqueror Spirit Baker kit skin Spirit Baker
41 Block Clutcher title None
42 None "Loading..." emote Loading...
43 "No" emote No None
44 None Duck title
45 "Side to Side" emote Noimageblock "Nice" emote Nice (Emote)
46 None Emperor title
47 Cracked title
kill effect
Rocket Final Kill Effect
48 "Miner Rage" emote Miner Rage None
49 None "Rage" emote Rage
50 Beast title Nyx kit Nyx
Midnight title