BedWars Wiki

The bed is a key part of BedWars. There are currently ten bed variants: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Purple, Cyan, Pink, Orange, White, and Brown. In Squads and Lucky Blocks, only Orange, Blue, Yellow, Pink are used, while Doubles and Solo use all colors. In Bed Royale, all of the colors are used, but with lighter or darker variants due to many teams. In 16v16, Duels, Winstreak 1v1 and 30v30, only Orange and Blue are used.

Support class Generation[]

Each team will be assigned a bed at their team base at the start of every match of any gamemode except Infected, Gun Game, Skywars, TNT Wars, Capture the Flag, Murder in Bedtown and Skull Drop.

Destroyer class Breaking[]

Destroyer class Bed Breaking Data
Best Tool
Axe Graphic
Base Hits Needed
Axe Graphic
Pickaxe Graphic
Wood 6 13
Stone 4 13
Iron 3 13
Diamond 2 13
Shears 13

Defender class Usage[]

Respawn Point[]

Beds in BedWars acts as a respawn anchor and, if you die, you will respawn in front of your team generator when the bed is active; if a team's bed is broken, members of that team will not respawn upon dying. Instead they will be moved to the spectators team, and only will be able to spectate their team if they still have alive teammates or anyone if their team is eliminated. They can choose to enter a new map using the Play Again button or go to the lobby using the Lobby button if they are eliminated. When a team's bed is destroyed all players except for the team whose bed was destroyed will receive a notification saying: "<Player display name> destroyed Team <bed color>'s bed! They will no longer respawn." If a player breaks a bed, it will show the player destroying whose bed on the kill count. If a player were to destroy your bed, any bed break effects occur and you and your team will receive an announcement saying:

Your bed was destroyed by user! You will no longer respawn.

Bed Plating[]

For the first 6 minutes of the game (8 minutes for 30v30 and Ranked), all beds will have a plating on them. When the plating is first broken, the bed will receive a temporary shield for 20 seconds, preventing enemies from destroying the bed and allowing the team to rebuild defenses. The plating breaker's team will be granted 3 DiamondsCroppedDiamond to their team's team crate. Winstreak and Duels do not feature bed plating.

Bed Break Effects[]

When someone breaks another team’s bed, the bed will have special effects according to the player’s equipped bed break effect. There will be no bed break effects when breaking bed plating.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

May 28, 2021 Blue BedRed BedYellow BedGreen Bed Added blue, red, yellow and green beds.
June 4, 2021 Pink BedPurple BedOrange BedCyan Bed Added pink, purple, orange and cyan beds.
September 24, 2021 Buff Increased the health of beds from 10 to 20.
May 27, 2022 Anniversary Bed Changed the model of beds.
June 3, 2022 Reverted previous model change.
November 17, 2023 Brown BedWhite BedAdded brown and white beds.
Buff Beds now have a bed plating.
Buff Beds can now regenerate once after being broken and will receive a bed shield.
Breaking a plated bed will now grant the destroyer's team a 30% generator speed boost.
August 16, 2024 Added a global display for Bed Plating and bed health
Added a new model and visual effect for Bed Plating
Bed Plating now takes 20 points of block damage to destroy
Removed Bed Plating from Winstreak 1v1, Solos, Duos, and Duels
August 19, 2024 Re-added bed plating to Solos and Duos to prevent excessive farming of BedCoins BedCoins.
Early September 2024 Nerf Decreased the amount of diamonds you get when destroying a teams bed plating from 8 DiamondsCroppedDiamond to 4 DiamondsCroppedDiamond.
October 2024 Nerf Decreased the amount of diamonds you get when destroying a teams bed plating from 4 DiamondsCroppedDiamond to 3 DiamondsCroppedDiamond.
January 17, 2025 Buff Increased the amount of diamonds you get when destroying a teams bed plating from 3 DiamondsCroppedDiamond to 4 DiamondsCroppedDiamond.
February 14, 2025 Buff Increased bed health from 18 to 26

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • If the player team's bed is destroyed by another team, a red X will be shown beside the player and the player's teammates on the stats board.
  • Currently, once the GUI timer hits 20 minutes, the beds will automatically break.
  • The bed is blastproof, which means it can't be destroyed by TNT, Fireballs or any other explosive items.
  • The bed in the game's thumbnail has a pillow and more detailed frame, unlike the bed's in-game model.
  • It is one of the only few blastproof blocks in the game, some others being Obsidian, Cannon, Lucky Block and Blastproof Ceramic.
  • Before, if your team's bed was destroyed by another team, a notification would show up of a person sleeping in a bed, while in game.
  • A Fake Bed can be dropped by a Lucky Block, however it serves no purpose except as a distraction.
  • A glitch of the bed is when you try to break the bed and it turns into black instead of it breaking. This happens if you are breaking it with a tool and swapping to another tool. The player has a breaking progress on the bed. But if the client says "progress: 100 -> 80 -> 95 -> 60" then the server will block everything after 80. It also explains why you need another person to break the bed because their breaking progress isn't blocked so it allows them to break the bed. However the glitch has been mostly fixed and now all you need is one more break for the black bed to be broken.
  • The command /spawn bed 1 spawns an item that says bed, which is a black bed that functions like the Fake Bed.
    • This bug has been patched. Although the bug would still happen sometimes, it would be breakable either way.
  • During BedWars’ anniversaries, all beds would have small cakes on them to celebrate the celebration.
    • However, fake beds don't spawn with cakes on them.
  • During the April Fools events, the beds would have bacon hair on them, resembling the bacon avatar.
  • There is a bug as with bed shield, the timer says 2:60, instead of saying 3:00.