BedWars Wiki

Welcome to the BedWars Wiki. This is the Manual of Style, a general guideline to follow when creating or editing articles, made to standardize the wiki's writing.

To find the rules of the wiki, go here.

In case of doubt

For all of the matters not discussed on this page, you should refer to the English Wikipedia's Manual of Style or the simplified version. This manual is too large to memorize and is meant as a reference in case of disagreement between editors or doubt about which style to follow in an article. Just like you're not expected to memorize the entire dictionary before you start writing in English, you don't have to memorize the entire manual of style to contribute to articles on this wiki.


Our editors should strive to abide by these guidelines. If you want to get a head start on editing, at least read through these.

  • Use proper grammar and spelling within any article directly related to the wiki.
  • Seek to write in an objective, passive voice when writing articles.
  • Create new pages as new content is added to BedWars.
  • Remove and replace opinionated and immature writing from wiki articles.
  • Assist our staff in correcting vandalism.
    • Help replace incorrect information.

Wording and grammar

To deliver a consistent experience throughout the wiki, this set of guidelines has been created as a reference to write articles. Again, editors should strive to write in an objective, passive voice.

  • Editors are to use the American English system when writing certain words (such as armor and not armour). For more examples refer to this guide on Wikipedia.
  • Editors should refer to readers in the third person, often as "players" or "users". They should never write their articles from a first or second-person perspective.
    • First-person is a subjective way to write an article, and second-person is an informal way to write an article.
  • Editors are to use the word "teammates" over the word "ally" when referring to teammates.
  • When referring to an item, refrain from using the word "the" before it, unless the game refers to it with a "the" before it, such as with The Void
    • For example, the rageblade, should be referred to as "rageblade", rather than "the rageblade".
  • Editors should remain impersonal in their writing.
    • Avoid adding your own experiences with the topic and write down factual information instead.
  • Editors are to familiarize themselves with the use of the words "its" and "it's".
    • "Its" is correctly used as a possessive ("Its attack speed is faster than the iron variant.")
    • "It's" is a contraction meaning "it is" ("It's a rare item." ["It is a rare item."])
  • Editors should never use subjective statements, such as calling weapons or items trash/terrible.
    • While some items may have objectively lower stats and demand than others, present the item's statistics to let readers draw their own conclusion of the item.
  • Editors should limit their use of pronouns, and should use gender-neutral and third-person pronouns within their article. (They, them, their)
  • Editors should not add jokes to the pages, and also not include things such as, "Iron spawns slow as heck."
  • Editors should avoid using abbreviations, as readers may not be well-versed in terminology as an editor.


In-game items should be treated as common nouns and as such should not be capitalized, unless they start a new sentence. Proper nouns, however, should always be capitalized. Maps, Kits and in-game locations such as the Lobby should be capitalized.

This guide only applies to sentences and not infoboxes, tables, or other templates.

Section headings

Article main sections should start with level 2 headings (==Heading==) and increase by one for subsections. Never use a level 1 heading (=Heading=); this is reserved for the article title.

Follow sentence style capitalization, not title style, so only the first letter of the heading and proper nouns are capitalized.

Headings should not have links or templates in them; links should be placed underneath, such as in a {{Main}} template.

Although not required, having one space between sections and one space between the equal signs and the section name makes for ease of editing.

Dates and numbers

This section deals with formatting of dates, numbers, and currencies.

Dates and time

Dates should be formatted like October 3, 2016 or 3 October 2016, not October 3rd, 2016, October 03, 2016, 2016/10/3, or any other format. The ISO 8601 format yyyy-mm-dd can be used in tables and other locations where the dates need to be short: 2016-10-03. In templates, the #time parser function can be used, while mw.language:formatDate can be used in Scribunto modules.

Time should be formatted either in 12-hour clock times, like 2:30 p.m., or 24-hour clock times, like 14:30. Hours under 10 should have a leading zero in 24-hour clock times, like 02:30, but not in 12-hour clock times (02:30 p.m.).


Numbers should be formatted with a comma as the thousands separator for digit grouping and a period as the decimal separator. In templates, the formatnum parser function can be used for this purpose, while mw.language:formatNum can be used in Scribunto modules.

Numbers smaller than ten should usually be written as words instead of digits in article text. That is, you should usually write one, two, three, ..., eight, nine instead of 1, 2, 3, ..., 8, 9,


Tables should use either the "wikitable" or "article-table" class, please refrain from using the "fandom-table" class. Header cells should not be bolded as that is done automatically after saving a page.

History tables

Usually inserted in a ==History== section, images should be basic and 32x32px. with a "wikitable".

![[May 28, 2021]]
|[[File:Stone Brick.png|32px]] Added stone brick.
May 28, 2021 Stone Brick Added stone brick.

Item price tables

Tables that contain information on purchasing items should contain the following columns in the following order:

Note: Tables should only be used if there are more then two items listed.

  • Image -An basic image of the item 50x50px in size.
  • Name - The name of the item linked to its page (will be bolded automatically if on its own page).
  • Buy cost - The price to buy the item using a currency template.
  • Previous item - The item that must be bought first, only use if it applies to any of the items in the table.
  • Kit required - The kit required to buy the item, only use if it applies to any of the items in the table.


These templates have been looked over by the BedWars wiki's Staff and are approved for use on this wiki. For more information on each template see each template's page or documentation (/doc) page.


The BedWars wiki is currently using the following infoboxes:

  • {{KitInfobox}}, for articles on a kit.
  • {{LocationInfobox}}, for articles on maps, in-game locations or generators.
  • {{UpdateInfobox}}, for articles on the game's various updates/versions.
  • {{ItemInfobox}}, for articles on items (Objects that can held in a player's inventory or hotbar, but cannot be placed).
  • {{BlockInfobox}}, for articles on blocks (Similar to items but can be placed).
  • {{GamepassInfobox}}, for Robux purchases that have their own page.


These templates are used at the top of an article for various reasons:


These templates are placed at the top of articles (preferably above infoboxes, but below notices) they are used to inform readers of a similar article or one that has similar name:

  • {{About}}, specifies what the article is about and what a similarly named article is about.
  • {{See also}}, directs readers to articles that they may want to read next.
  • {{Not to be}}, lists other articles with similar topics.
  • {{Main}}, An article with more information usually placed in a section.
  • {{Related}}, links to a related category on an article, or an article from a category.

Other templates

These templates are also used on the BedWars wiki:

  • {{BlockBreak}}, used on block pages to list a block's breaking data. - Will add Category:Pages lacking breaking data if left blank.
  • {{Diamonds}}, used to display amounts of diamonds.
  • {{Emeralds}}, used to display amounts of emeralds.
  • {{Iron}}, used to display amounts of iron.
  • {{Robux}}, used to display the prices of something in Robux; Roblox's in-game currency.
  • {{KitPrice}}, used to display a kits current price (It changes weekly).
  • {{Title}}, Formats text like an in-game lobby title.
  • {{Kill Effect}}, Displays text inside a bordered box as shown in the Battle Pass menu.
  • {{Tocright}}, moves a pages table of contents to the right side and starts where the template is inserted. only for use on pages that have long Toc's, but no infoboxes.

Images and videos

  • PNGs are always preferred over JPGs.
  • Name your image or video something relevant.
    • For example: Iron Generator.png instead of Screenshot_12312412.png
  • Add proper licensing when uploading if possible.

Strategy Sections

When writing strategy sections, ensure that:

  • You do not make subjective statements, for example saying that "This ability is overpowered" would not be allowed.
  • You have a decent knowledge of the item or kit that you are writing about.