- Related category: Category:Blocks
Blocks are objects in BedWars that function like items, but can be placed, broken and interacted with on some blocks. Most blocks can be purchased from the Item Shop, but some will require a special kit to obtain, and others blocks are technical and are used for building maps. They cannot be broken unless you are in a creative world, or if you have a Noxious Sledgehammer.
Building Blocks[]
These blocks cannot be interacted with, but have the basic necessities for most builds. Most of them can be purchased from the Item Shop, unless a special kit is required. Blocks are mainly used for protecting beds or for bridging across islands in the map. These include wool, stone bricks, blastproof ceramic, oak wood planks, obsidian and other blocks not obtainable in the item shop. Some of the building blocks like blastproof ceramic and obsidian are blastproof, which means that these blocks can't be destroyed by TNT, fireballs or any other explosives. Obsidian is the only one which costs emeralds (1 emerald for 4), and has the most block health (takes longest to break). Axes are effective against wood.
Offensive Blocks[]
Offensive blocks are used to deal damage to enemy and blocks. Some, like TNT, explode while others fire projectiles. Offensive blocks include tesla coil traps, TNT, camera turrets, radioactive plants and more. Some offensive blocks have a placing limit, where if you exceed it, the oldest existing one will be deleted and replaced with the new one.
Interactive Blocks[]
Interactive blocks often cannot be placed, but rather are spawned by the game such as lucky blocks or beds. They have various purposes and are sometimes gamemode exclusive. These also include blocks like chests, lucky block airdrops and more.
Technical Blocks[]
Technical blocks are the blocks that are generated as part of the map. They cannot be broken using tools but can be temporarily destroyed by certain weapons such as the Noxious Sledgehammer and the Juggernaut Rageblade, or the train win effect or evelyn's win effect (mastery).