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This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from February 17, 2023 - June 23, 2023

Caitlyn is a kit added in the February 17, 2023 update. She could be obtained by reaching level 50 in the Season 7 Battle Pass. Her special ability is Dark Decay. She is in the Fighter class fighter class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Dark Decay[]

Caitlyn's attacks are imbued with decay that damages enemies over time, dealing 2 damage per second for 3 seconds. Hitting decayed enemies multiple times will increase the strength of the decay by 25% per hit, dealing up to double the base decay damage at 4 total hits. The decay can be upgraded to deal more damage per tick, last longer, and have special effects against decaying enemies and targets.


Caitlyn can press the R key to open her up contracts menu which shows the statistics of her Dark Decay's duration, damage, and other bonus effects. It also displays three random players, their team color, the type of armor they are wearing, and how far away they are (in blocks). Caitlyn can then choose to target and assassinate one player to upgrade her ability's potency. Once chosen, the enemy will be highlighted in red revealing their whereabouts to Caitlyn until the target is assassinated or she rejects the contract once every minute. Enemies with higher-tiered armor will grant better upgrades. Sometimes, a special contract may appear on enemies with diamond armor or higher, which will grant Caitlyn a special effect to her decaying attacks once it is completed.

Destroyer class Upgrading[]

These upgrades are granted after completing contracts. The upgrade along with how much it is upgraded by is displayed on the contract selection screen. Upgrade percentages and random and scale up based on the target's armor and the duration of the game.

Name Upgrade Max Tier
Target Damage Caitlyn deals increased damage to her current target. 40%
Armor Penetration Affects how much of Caitlyn's decay ignores enemy armor. 100%
Damage Increases decay damage. 10
Duration Increases decay duration. 6s

Ranged class Strategy[]

At first, one might not think of Caitlyn as a very good kit due to its lackluster early game damage and competition with other kits that use kills to progress. You will need to use this kit properly in order for it to be good, but when used properly it can be a powerhouse and exceptionally strong later on in the game.

Her decay system can be upgraded over time by targeting certain players to receive buffs like decay damage, armor pen, etc. Note that you don't need to specifically kill the enemy, you just need to contribute damage to them and if another player gets the kill your contract will still be completed. So a good strategy can be to wait for your target to enter combat with another player, and then shoot them with arrows. If your target dies in combat, you will get the contract completed, but if they survive they will still likely to be low on health allowing you to swoop in and finish the job. Gloops can be handy for preventing them from running away. You should try sneak attacking if possible rather than attacking head on to take advantage of the Focus effect and deal as much damage before your target can react.

Also, if you'd rather not spend too much effort and resources on targeting a specific player, you can watch your contracts screen and wait for one of your targets to come near. The distance of your target has no effect on the rewards, so you can watch until one of the target's distances reduces to about 10-30 blocks, then choose and try to kill them.

Later on in the game, when other players start getting diamond and emerald armor, you will be able to find the Special Effects in your contracts. These effects can be powerful in helping you kill more targets and fighting in general. However, it can be a trial to defeat those players in high armor, so your best bet is to get teammates to assist you. Attack swiftly from multiple directions to prevent your target from running. The Thrill of the Hunt effect can help since you move faster towards decaying enemies, which your target is likely to be affected, so try to get that one first and then work on the other ones. Use Crossbows or Headhunters to shoot down your target if they try running away.

Reroll Discounted Items Special Effects[]

Tesla Danger Sign
The Focus Special Effect is set active upon selecting a target.

Special effects have a chance of appearing when an available target has diamond armor or emerald armor. The special effects that are obtained from the contract vary from the kit the target has, with the exception of "Focus".

Name Description Icon Appearance
Silence All healing on decaying enemies is reduced by 75%. Support class If a player has diamond armor+, and a support kit equipped, this contract has a chance of appearing.
Thrill of the Hunt +15% move speed when moving toward decaying enemies. Movement class If a player has diamond armor+, and a movement kit equipped, this contract has a chance of appearing.
Dark Insight Heal for 50% of decay damage dealt. Tank class If a player has diamond armor+, and a tank kit equipped, this contract has a chance of appearing.
Assassin's Instinct Decay deals double damage to your active target. Decay If the player has diamond armor+, and specifically has Caitlyn equipped aswell, this contract has a chance of appearing.
Bounty Killing your target will give you 2 emeralds. Economy class If the player has diamond armor+, and an economy kit equipped, this contract has a chance of appearing.
Focus Take and deal +25% more damage from your active target. Eye Symbol This is a passive. You receive it any time when you select a target. There are no other requirements necessary, besides just selecting a target.
Vulnerable Decaying enemies take +15% damage from all sources. Diamond Helmet If a player in the server has diamond armor, or above, this contract has a chance of appearing. Unlike the other special effects, this one doesn't have a specific kit requirement. The player can be any kit.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

February 17, 2023 Png (13) Added Caitlyn.
Buff Increased initial decay duration from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.
February 24, 2023 Buff Caitlyn can now gain the Focus ability.
Buff Players can now discard an active contract after one minute.
Fixed Caitlyn's contract getting locked on eliminated enemy
May 26, 2023 Nerf Significantly reduced armor penetration rewards.
June 9, 2023 Nerf Significantly scaled down damage and duration rewards.
Nerf Decreased initial decay duration from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.
September 1, 2023 Buff Increased base decay damage from 2 to 4.
Buff Increased upgrade scaling.
September 8, 2023 Buff Caitlyn can deal 10% more damage to other tier 50 kits.
November 24, 2023 Nerf Decreased base decay damage from 4 to 2.
Nerf Greatly reduced contract rewards.
April 19, 2024 Buff Increased rewards for harder contracts.
May 17, 2024 Buff Rewards for all contracts increased by 50%.
June 28th, 2024 Nerf Rewards for all contracts reduced by 10%.
Late 2024 Caitlyn no longer deals 10% increased damage to other Tier 50 Battle Pass kits.
January 17, 2025 Nerf Reduced the chances of Caitlyn's Decay ability being triggered by other ongoing damage effects or causing other ongoing damage effects to be triggered again when Decay damage is taken.
Nerf Reduced the increase in Decay damage per kill from 0.75 to 0.5.
Nerf Reduced the increase in Decay duration per kill from 0.6 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
Nerf Reduced the maximum Decay duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.
Nerf Reduced damage boost toward active contract target from 6% to 5%.
February 14, 2025 Nerf Reduced contract reward scaling from higher tier targets
Nerf Reduced target damage cap from 40% to 30%
Nerf Reduced armor penetration cap from 100% to 75%
Nerf Decreased vulnerable perk bonus damage against decayed enemies from 15% to 12%

Tank class Gallery[]

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Caitlyn is similar in abilities to the Bounty Hunter, with both having contracts/bounties to fulfill for rewards.
  • If Caitlyn's target gets damaged from any source, falls in the void or dies, the red highlight will disappear instantly. This is most likely a bug.
  • Focus is the only special effect that grants Caitlyn a setback and while also being unobtainable through contracts.
  • Caitlyn is the first kit that possessed the ability to inflict Dark Decay. The second being Yamini, and the third being Hephaestus.
  • Unlike Yamini and Hephaestus, Caitlyn is the only kit that can ramp her Dark Decay damage up via hitting enemies, up to +100% more decay damage after hitting an enemy four times. Yamini and Hephaestus do not have this ability, and their decay damage is locked, and cannot increase with hits.
  • The Dark Decay effect functions similarly to the Fire Enchantment.
    • Unlike the Fire Enchantment however, it won't deal any knockback, even if its ability is active.
    • The decay armor penetration is still taken into damage calculations, further increasing dealt damage.
  • Only 1 decay damage upgrade can appear in a match. It only appears if the player hasn't completed any contracts.
    • Even then, it is not guaranteed to appear, meaning that players are likely to not get any decay damage upgrades in a game.
    • It is unknown whether this is a bug or a decision made by the developers.
  • Due to how debuff ticking is coded in BedWars, unupgraded decay deals only 2 ticks of damage despite lasting whole 3 seconds.
    • If the duration is even slightly above 3 seconds, full 3 ticks of damage will occur.
  • Only Diamond, Warrior and Emerald Armor are capable of giving Caitlyn special/legendary contracts (e.g, vulnerable, silence, etc). Armors like Void Armor and Juggernaut Armor are classified as armorless in Caitlyn's contract system. This is most likely another bug, especially with Void Armor, because that's obtainable via lucky blocks and fortune enchant. Also, kits that use alternatives to armor such as Eldertree, Hephaestus and Void Knight are still shown as armorless.
  • The player only needs to be wearing a helmet in order to be classified with that armor tier in Caitlyn's contract system. A player with an iron helmet, leather chestplate and leggings, will be classified as iron armor. A player with no helmet, but diamond chestplate and leggings, will be classified as armorless.
