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This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from November 17, 2023 - April 5, 2024

Cogsworth is a kit added on November 17, 2023. His special item-entities are Dimmy-X1s and Emmy-Z2s, which can gather DiamondsCroppedDiamond and EmeraldsCroppedEmerald from diamond generators and emerald generators respectively for him, and can also overclock, speeding up and zapping nearby enemies. He could be unlocked by reaching level 30 in the Season 9 Free Pass. He is in the Economy classeconomy class.

Movement class Abilities[]


Main article: Dimmy-X1

Cogsworth can buy diamond robots named Dimmy-X1 from the Item Shop for 50 IronCroppedIron. When deployed, they go to a diamond generator and will pick up DiamondsCroppedDiamond, dropping it at the team base. They also have a 60% chance to duplicate the resources they collect.


Main article: Emmy-Z2

Cogsworth can also buy emerald robots named Emmy-Z2 from the Item Shop for 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald. They act similar to Dimmy-X1s, but will gather from emerald generators to get EmeraldsCroppedEmerald and deposit them in Cogsworth's personal chest instead.


If a robot is currently holding resources, Cogsworth can interact with the robot to directly collect the resources instead of having the robot place it inside his personal chest/team crate.

Robot Pathing[]

Cogsworth's robots require an accessible path to reach the target generator. The blocks in the path can only move vertically either up or down by a single block at a time. The robots follow a specific sequence during their search for paths:

  1. They initially seek the nearest generator in proximity to Cogsworth's base.
  2. If there's no available path to the closest generator, they cycle through alternative generators, prioritizing those without a robot currently navigating towards them.
  3. After exploring all potential paths to available generators, the robots will consider generators that are already occupied by other robots.
  4. Robots will not prioritize generators with a drill on them.




When at least one robot is deployed, pressing R will make all of them overclock, which speeds them up by 50%, and makes them zap enemies around 5 blocks of them by 7 damage.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Cogsworth's main use is as a resource collector. However, robot pathfinding can be frustrating to get to where you want, as the robots might go to locations far from your base and be vulnerable to enemies. One way to get it to work is by walking over to the generator you want the robot to collect from and then deploy the robot there, and make sure it works by watching it return a resource. Robot collection should be preferred over manually getting resources, as they have chances of giving extra resources when picking up from generators. You should also look for enemies that go near the generators occupied by your robots. In this case, it's a good idea to get there as fast as you can since the robots do not attempt to run away from enemies and will always follow their path to the generator and base. In some cases, if the robot is returning to base while being chased, you can use Overclock to make it go faster which could outrun the enemy and let you get there in time.

Additionally, it is very likely that you will not be using all of the robots deployed to collect resources. In this case, they can actually substitute as a base defense. You can trap several robots in a box, not allowing them to get out, and then when an enemy comes near you can use the overclock to rapidly deal damage with the combined electric attack.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

November 17, 2023 Cogsworth Added Cogsworth.
November 24, 2023 Buff Decreased overclock cooldown from 30s to 25s.
March 29, 2024 Buff Decreased overclock cooldown from 25s to 22s.
August 9, 2024 Buff Now starts the game with a Dimmy-X1 Gather Bot
September 13, 2024 Fixed exploit with overclock ability where spamming it would lag out other players
November 8, 2024 Buff Decreased overclock cooldown from 22s to 20s
Buff Overclock Damage Per Tick Increased: 5 → 7

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Cogsworth and Milo are both tied for the third most amount of buffs in an update with 6 buffs. The number two spot goes to Sigrid, and the number one spot belongs to Terra who got 8 buffs in one update.
  • The robots can jump over gaps and even jump 2 blocks high.
