Custom Matches allow players to create private matches, meaning only people who know the code can access the match. The exact objective and number of teams are based on which gamemode is selected. They were added in August 4, 2021.
Creating matches[]
Players can choose between the maps for the Squads, Doubles, Bed Royale, 30v30, Infected, Lucky Block, Penguin Survival, Duels, and SkyWars gamemodes. Once the match is created, all players in that player's party will be teleported there. Upon joining the match, a join code will appear, allowing the player to invite others to join.
Selecting teams[]
Upon joining a custom match, all players will be on the "Spectators" team by default and can select their team by pressing the team's button. If the player doesn't select a team and start, they will be spectating, unless the host can change the player's team from spectator using the host panel. You can also use the `Split Teams Evenly' button to auto-decide teams evenly.
Match commands[]
- Main article: Chat#Chat commands
Match commands can be typed into the chat to alter a game's settings.
Command | Function | Examples |
/kick [username] | Kicks a specific player and prevents them from rejoining. | Example: /kick ExampleUser1 |
/setGeneratorMultiplier [multiplier] | Changes the multiplier of the generation cooldown for all generators. | Example: /setgeneratormultiplier 2 |
/setDeathmatchTime [seconds] | Sets the time in seconds until all beds break. | Example: /setdeathmatchtime 2400 |
/blacklistItem [item] | Prevents players from purchasing certain items from the shop. | Example: /blacklistitem balloon |
/announce [message] | Announces a message. | Example: /announce Salutations |
/toggleSpawn [entity] [value] | Toggles the spawning of certain features. | Example: /togglespawn dodo true |
/disableKit [kit] | Disables the abilities of a kit in a match. | Example: /disablekit adetunde |
/luckyairdrop | Drops a Lucky Block Airdrop. | Example: /luckyairdrop |
/hugeluckyblock | Drop Huge Lucky Blocks. | Example: /hugeluckyblock |
/spawn [item] [amount] | Gives the player an item. | Example: /spawn wool_white 5 |
/i [item] [amount] | Shorter version of /spawn, same functionality. | Example: /i wool_white 5 |
/tp [player] [targetplayer] | Teleports the player to another player. | Example: /tp ExampleUser1 ExampleUser2 |
/tpall | Teleports all players to the host. | Example: /tpall |
/tpbed [teamcolor] | Teleports the player to a team's bed. | Example: /tpbed yellow |
/enchant ([playername]/@a/@all/@team:[teamcolor]/@s) [enchantment]_[tier number] | Give the player the enchantment. | Example: /enchant @s static_3 |
/cohost all | Toggles all players' co-host permissions and be able to access the host panel. | Example: /cohost all |
/sethealthregen [player] [regen amount] | Changes the amount of self regen healing to the set amount, default = 7 | Example: /sethealthregen @a 7 |
/give ([playername]/@a/@all/@team:[teamcolor]/@s) [item] [amount] | Gives all players, a specific player, or a specific team a set amount of items. | Example: /give @s wool_white 5 |
/disaster [disaster] | Spawning disasters in the game. Disasters: toxic_rain, meteors, tornado, void_rise | Example: /disaster void_rise |
/setAC enabled/disabled | Toggle anti-cheat. | Example: /setac disabled |
//flat [block name] [grid size] | Creates a baseplate. | Example: //flat stone_brick 5 |
/cube | Creates a cube made out of Stone Brick, Wool and Oak Planks. | Example: /cube |
/bed create [teamcolor] | Create a bed. | Example: /bed create yellow |
/bed remove [bedid] | Remove a bed based on its bed ID. The player can see bed IDs in creative mode. | Example: /bed remove 2_bed |
/bed sethealth ([bedid]/@a) [amount] | Sets a bed's health to [amount] | Example: /bed sethealth @a 500 |
/bed list | Shows a list of the current bed IDs in chat. | Example: /bed list |
/gen create ([global]/[team]) [item] [interval] [amount] | Creates or removes a generator. | Example: /gen create global wool_white 10 |
/gen remove [generatorid] | Remove a generator based on its generator ID. The player can see generator IDs in creative mode. | Example: /gen remove wool_white_0 |
/gen list | Shows a list of the current generator IDs in chat. | Example: /gen list |
/relic [name] | Gives a relic to the team the player is currently in. | Example: /relic stomper |
/shop ([create]/[remove]) [item/upgrade] | Create or remove a shop. | Example: /shop create item |
/shopitem add [item] [quantity] [currency item] [price] | Adds an item to shop. | Example: /shopitem add wool_white 16 iron 8 |
/shopitem remove [item] | Removes an item from shop. | Example: /shopitem remove wool_white |
/setknockback [number] | Sets game knockback, default = 1. | Example: /setknockback 2 |
/setteamspawn [teamcolor] | Sets the spawn point for the specified team at host/cohost that executed command position. | Example: /setteamspawn yellow |
/setteam ([playername]/@a/@all/@team:[teamcolor]/@s) [teamcolor] | Sets target's or target(s)' team to [teamcolor]. | Example: /setteam @team:red yellow |
/scale ([playername]/@a/@all/@team:[teamcolor]/@s) [size] | Scale target or target(s) characters to [size], default = 1. | Example: /scale @a 2 |
/gm (1/0) ([playername]/@a/@all/@team:[teamcolor]/@s) | Sets target gamemode, Gamemode 1 = Creative, Gamemode 0 = Pvp. | Example: /gm 1 @s |
/givemastery ([playername]/@a/@all/@team:[teamcolor]/@s) [amount] | Gives forge points to target(s). | Example: /givemastery @s 10 |
/setvolcanic (sword/dagger/scythe/great_hammer/bow/armor) ([playername]/@a/@all/@team:[teamcolor]/@s) (true/false) | Gives volcanic forge to target(s). | Example: /setvolcanic bow @s true |
/i [Currency] [Amount] | Get currency. | Example: /I iron 69420 |
Amount: Infinity: inf
Upon turning into Creative, the player can have access to multiple WorldEdit commands. All commands can be used on blocks not placed by players. Ores not included. [Citation needed]
Command | Function |
//set [block] | Sets the selected area to [block]. |
//cut | Cuts the selected area, replacing it with air. |
//undo | Undoes a certain action, wether it is a //set, //cut, or a //redo. |
//redo | Redos an undo. Can only be done if an //undo was done at any time, prioritising the last time //undo was used. |
//copy | Copies the selected area. |
//paste | Pastes what's copied using //copy. |
//pos1 | Sets the first position using the player's position. |
//pos2 | Sets the second position using the player's position. |
//replace [originalblock] [replaceblock] | Replace the existing block to the another block. |
//rotate [x] [y] [z] | Rotate the selected area based on the x-axis, y-axis, or z-axis. |
//move [amount] [direction] | Move the selected area with f(forward), b(backward), r(right), l(left), u(up) or d(down) by [amount] |
//expand [amount] [direction] | Expand the selected area with f(forward), b(backward), r(right), l(left), u(up) or d(down) by [amount] |
EasyEdit commands are only able to be used by host(s)/cohost(s)
Host Panel[]

The creator, or host, and co-hosts of a Custom Match, can access the Host Panel. The Host Panel allows players to do, but is not limited to: changing team generator speeds, disabling and enabling certain kits, blacklisting certain items, setting co-hosts, kicking players, disabling bed breaking, and restricting block breaking. The update of July 15, 2022, added map saving and the option to enable placing blocks in restricted areas.
In the Host Panel, and before the game starts, there is a "Scripts" button that can be clicked to view, edit and add scripts. Clicking will open up a menu that shows the list of all the current scripts in the game. You can read more about scripting on the dedicated page, Scripting.
- The player can create a custom match with or without being in a party, but destroying a bed whilst being alone will result in the match ending.
- The player can only join the same custom match 3 times per account.
- The placeholder for the enter code used to be 1337, standing for leet. This is also coincidentally DV's favourite number.
- The placeholder for the entry code is default EZGG, standing for
- For a short period of time, there was a limited amount of people in a custom match.
- With the Custom Match logo, this is the only gamemode with a png.
- The image was found in the Discord announcements.
- Before the game starts, all the generators will display 54.99998497963 seconds.
- If the player manages to fall into the void before the game starts, the player won't respawn.
- Many people said that this is a bug, this isn't a bug.
- The player may fall to the void when the player is taking too long to load. Causing the screen to be blank and only showing "Unknown" (spectating screen). This is now has been patched.
The spectator screen glitch for taking too long to load with "Unknown" (for 1 player inside custom match).
- The player can spawn in removed items through the /spawn command.
- If the host sets the deathmatch time to inf after the game starts, "All beds will break in 60 seconds" notification will not show up and players will still be able to respawn unless someone breaks a bed.
- If the host sets the deathmatch time to inf after the "All beds will break in 60 second" notification shows up, it will not work.
Classic | |
Duels | |
Arcade | |
PVP | |
Limited Time |