BedWars Wiki

December 2, 2022, also known as the Juggernaut V2 update, is an update in BedWars that added the Juggernaut gamemode and other changes.




  • Modified a few kits and items.
    • Buff Increased Warden's shield HP per second from 3 to 4.
    • Buff Increased Warden's break speed bonus from 25% to 35%.
    • Buff Increased imprisoned player respawn time increase by 1 second.
    • Buff Decreased necromancer staff's cooldown from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.
    • Buff Increased the light sword's damage from 42 HP to 45 HP.
    • Buff Changed the light sword walk speed reduction multiplier from 0.5 to 0.25.
    • Nerf Decreased satellite dish shop price increase multiplier from 35% to 20% (10% in 30v30).
    • Buff Resources intercepted by the satellite dish will now double.
  • Buffed a few relics.
    • Buff Increased Second Wind's healing from 24% to 30%.
    • Buff Changed Second Wind's amount of health required to activate from 25% to 35% of the player's total health.
    • Buff Increased Iron Will's damage reduction from 25% to 30%.
    • Buff Decreased Second Strike hits required from 7 to 6.


  • Added a kill feed.
  • Revamped UI.
  • Updated kill SFX.
  • Fixed a bug regarding Barbarian's kit skin.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Looter relic's sound to play globally.

December 3, 2022[]


  • Fixed a bug that caused players to be Metal Detector by default.
  • Juggernauts will now take 25 damage every second after being alive for more than 40 seconds.
  • Increased loot spawn time by 66%.
  • Juggernaut health now scales up by 100 per minute.
  • Fixed a bug that caused prompt UI to be incredibly small.
  • Fixed a bug that caused kills to double.

December 6, 2022[]


  • Increased gumdrop bounce pads shield HP from 12 to 15.
  • Eldertree can no longer pickup armor.
  • Improved accessories on the player's avatar when their avatar is scaled during kit ability animations.
  • Re-enabled bed HUD.
  • The default Roblox leaderboard will no longer display while loading in.
  • Improved anti-cheat.

Bug fixes[]

  • Fixed a bug that caused Merchant Marco's discounts to not work.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the mass hammer to scale the player to abnormally large proportions.
  • Fixed the /jugg command.
  • Fixed Nyx's ability button not working.
  • Fixed a bug that caused gumdrop bounce pads to bounce the player a lot higher than it should.
  • Fixed projectiles while playing as the juggernaut in Custom Matches.
  • Fixed a bug that caused infinite jump height when pressing the zipline ride prompt multiple times.
