BedWars Wiki

December 30, 2022, also known as the New Year's 2023 update, is a major update in BedWars that added the New Year's Ball Drop event, New Year's lucky blocks, 5 new lucky block items, the Silent Night Evelynn kit skin, and much more.




  • Enabled Quadruple XP event.
  • Buffed and nerfed multiple kits and items.
    • Buff Increased gloop explosion radius from 5.3 blocks to 7 blocks.
    • Buff Increased gloop detection radius from 3.6 blocks to 4.6 blocks.
    • Buff Decreased the cost of gloops from 50 IronCroppedIron to 40 IronCroppedIron.
    • Buff Changed the frosty hammer's attack speeds on all tiers.
    • Buff Increased metal detector emerald chance by 20%.
    • Buff Changed the fishing rod time before fish bite the bait from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
    • Buff Increased the infernal sabers upgraded spin armor penetration from 50% to 60%.
    • Nerf Decreased Nyx's minimum armor penetration from 25% to 20%.
    • Nerf Decreased seahorse healing to self by 30%.
    • Nerf Decreased seahorse range from 13.3 blocks to 11 blocks.
    • Nerf Gaining eggs with Sheila now scales depending on how long the enemy was alive for.
  • Nerf Players can no longer launch themselves out of a cannon while under the grounded effect.
  • Nerf Players can no longer bounce off gumdrop bounce pads while under the grounded effect.
  • Buff Changed the Marksman relic range for max damage from 100 blocks to 80 blocks.
  • Buff Increased the Stomper relic stomp radius from 4 blocks to 5 blocks.
  • Removed the stopwatch.
  • Fixed a bug where Warrior would cause other players to have their armor downgraded.
  • Fixed issues with the grounded effect.
