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The Eldertree is a kit added on July 26, 2021. It's special ability lets it consume tree orbs, which increases the Eldertree's size and max HP instead of armor for defense. It can be unlocked by purchasing it directly for BedCoins 10,000 BedCoins, Robux 399 Robux , by opening it from a Lucky Crate or being gifted it by someone else via Robux Robux . It is in the Tank classTank class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Tree orbs[]

The Eldertree can consume tree orbs that spawn around the map, and are only visible to the Eldertree. Collecting them will grow its size, max HP, and add a certain amount of knockback reduction for the whole match. However, the orbs will start to scale to less health depending on the Eldertree's current health gained from tree orbs and the scaling increases with each enemy hit with the Forest Enchant. Dying will not make the Eldertree lose anything besides its items, though it can't buy or equip armor.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Eldertree has many weaknesses that come with its setup. For starters, Eldertree once used to have knockback reduction per tree orb but it is now removed/reduced. Per tree orb, you will have increased size which only further weakens the player as it becomes more susceptible to ranged weapons and has to use more resources to protect itself. The champion's early game, if failed, makes it worthless and even if successful only gives it a slim chance to try and keep up with the opponents' scaling. To simply put, Eldertree is almost unplayable as of right now and requires perfect play to win games.

There is another glaring weakness that exposes Eldertree, and it does not have to do with the kit itself, but rather the Barbarian's mechanics. The Barbarian's rage mechanic is not based on the percentage, but rather the raw number of damage. This means that if a Barbarian swings a diamond sword at you, you're going to take anywhere between 40-50 damage at the most likely scenarios, and you will be giving the Barbarian 40-50 rage per hit. For all intents and purposes, if you match up against a Barbarian, you MUST counter him via skybasing and running away from combat. Your movement speed and jumping abilities will play a huge role. For all other kits, use the strategy below.

To start the game, make sure to get around 144-192 wool, as it's going to be important in collecting tree orbs. Unlike other kits, you are never going to engage in the early game unless you absolutely have to. Then, build with your wool to collect every orb, using your view to spot more and build to them. Do not go for tree orbs in the enemy base until around 500 health unless you have pearls. Then, get Forest in the enchanting table. Forest's mechanic is it gives you 2% max health per hit on an enemy which stacks infinitely, and it gives you another way to gain more health when your tree orbs begin to decrease in health-per-orb. Forest also increases health gained per tree orb by a certain amount.

Eventually, you get to a point where you hit a critical mass, and you're basically invincible. This means that lategame Eldertree and early game Eldertree are the most critical points of interest. Once you hit 2,500 health, there's no turning back now. Switch out Forest for Void Three to counter any Berserker enchant users. Then, execute a bombing raid over your enemies, using the amount of iron you picked up along the way.

Volume Icon Audio[]

Skin Sound

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

July 26, 2021 Eldertree Added the Eldertree.
August 2, 2021 Fixed the Eldertree’s base health being 104 HP instead of 100 HP.
August 16, 2021 Nerf Decreased tree orb lifetime from 5 minutes to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
September 17, 2021 Eldertree’s kit skin can no longer be disabled.
February 25, 2022 Buff Increased health scaling ratio.
Buff Changed tree orb spawn time from 13 seconds to 9 seconds.
Buff Increased tree orbs at match start from 3 to 5.
August 12, 2022 Old Spirit Eldertree Added the Spirit skin.
August 19, 2022 Buff Increased health scaling ratio.
Nerf Decreased tree orb spawn rate.
September 9, 2022 Buff Fixed the Spirit skin not working sometimes.
September 23, 2022 Spirit Eldertree Updated the Spirit Eldertree skin render pose.
November 25, 2022 Fixed a bug that allowed the Eldertree to buy armor.
December 6, 2022 Eldertree can no longer pick up parts of void armor.
December 23, 2022 Christmas Eldertree Added the Christmas skin.
March 3, 2023 Nerf Decreased health gain from orbs.
March 10, 2023 Nerf Orbs now spawn less in smaller queues.
June 30, 2023 Buff Slightly increased health gain from orbs.
July 28, 2023 Buff Increased tree orbs' health gain.
Buff Reduced size scaling.
Neutral Tree orbs are now more likely to spawn near the middle of the map.
December 1, 2023 Nerf Decreased tree orbs' base health gain.
Nerf Tree orb spawn rate is reduced by 50% in gamemodes with 4 or fewer people.
January 12, 2024 Buff Tree orbs now give 5% knockback reduction when consumed.
April 19, 2024 Nerf Reduced orb spawn amount at the start of matches from 5 to 3.
Nerf Tree orb spawnrate is decreased by approximately 2.5x between 0-7:30.
August 20, 2024 Fixed bug where too many Eldertree tree orbs were spawning
September 2024 The Eldertree can no longer pick up parts of leather, iron, diamond, and emerald armor.
October 11, 2024 Fixed Eldertree's knockback reduction causing it to take knockback with other items that don't normally cause knockback
October 25, 2024 Withered Eldertree Added the Withered skin.
January 3, 2025 Eldertree now properly reduces knockback on all instances of damage.
January 6, 2025 Nerf Eldertree knockback reduction per tree orb reduced to 1%. However, the Forest enchant allows the knockback reduction per future tree orb to be increased to around 5% at 100 Forest activations.
January 10, 2025 Fixed a few ways where the Eldertree could receive armor.
February 6, 2025 Auto-refunded BedCoins BedCoins for players that purchased armor trims on the Eldertree before the option was disabled.

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • There is a theoretical maximum limit to Eldertree's health based on how many players the kit can affect with Forest. It is not known, but it is assumed to be at least 10,000 and lower than 20,000. The current record is around 3,000.
  • Placing blocks will become bugged when at 350+ health due to the Eldertree's large avatar disrupting the building mechanic.
  • Due to Roblox physics, there are multiple ways to glitch the Eldertree and make it "trip," causing it to become stunned, making it very vulnerable to knockback. The Eldertree can also get flung.
  • The Eldertree's tools grow along with the Eldertree's avatar, which may increase its hit range.
  • This is the first kit where the kit's skin is unremovable, with the second being the Crocowolf, the third being Xu'rot and the fourth being Void Knight.
    • This is most likely to stop avatar rendering errors with larger sizes, and also to clear up any confusion of size/infinite health hacks in the game.
  • In the Lucky Block gamemode, if an enemy is holding a piece of armor in their hand, the Eldertree can steal the armor with the Steal Ball and equip it.
    • In the same gamemode the Eldertree could also equip void armor from lucky blocks, but was later changed twice.
    • Similar to that, if the Eldertree uses a Glitched Steal Ball against an enemy with an armor, the armor they equipped at that time will be equipped to the Eldertree.
  • This is one of 2 kits that doesn't let the player buy armor, with the other being Hephaestus.
  • When the Excalibur's Bounty mechanic was first released, players could get armor with Eldertree by picking it up. This is confirmed in Flixze's video. This was patched, but the Eldertree can still obtain dropped armor like the Jump Boots or the Speed Boots.
  • The snowflake tree orbs from the Christmas skin play the song "Snowflakes in the Sky" by Micah Fisher, a song composed for Islands and repurposed as the music in BedWars' ‘s past winter lobbies.
    • The song will not repeat if the orb is left uncollected.
  • Eldertree's technical name is "Bigman".
  • There was a bug in the game where the Eldertree is nerfed like normal, but tree orb spawning time decreases logarithmically and is rampant at around 25 minutes. Around 30 minutes, around 50 can be seen at once, and by 35 minutes, the ping will become so high the character will die, effectively acting as a killscreen.
  • Eldertree is the tallest kit in the game.
  • Eldertree has no armor which means that a lot of damage will be dealt per sword or bow hit. This was very good with Trinity's Favor in Season 10.
  • If you place a Cursed Coffin and have already collected over 5 orbs, you will get kicked.
  • Due to Eldertree's knockback reduction, it will also move less when using cannons to travel. This is presumably due to getting launched from the cannon technically makes you take knockback.
