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Evelynn is a kit added on July 29, 2022. Her special ability lets her teleport to spirit orbs that she can make enemies drop, slashing anyone nearby upon arrival. She could've been unlocked by purchasing the Evelynn Bundle for Robux 999 Robux , and currently can be unlocked by purchasing her directly for BedCoins 10000 BedCoins or Robux 399 Robux , by opening her from a lucky crate, or by being gifted her by someone else via Robux Robux . She is in the Fighter classfighter class.

Movement class Abilities[]

When Evelynn deals 26 damage to an enemy, it makes them drop their spirit orb. Pressing F or clicking on the orb's proximity prompt will teleport her to the location of the orb and absorb it. Upon arrival, she will slash enemies around her dealing 15 damage with 100% armor penetration. Consuming the spirit orb also grants 15 shield HP and a 40% speed boost for 3 seconds. Evelynn cannot consume spirit orbs while under the grounded effect. Spirit orbs can be absorbed from up to 40 blocks away and last 10 seconds on the map before disappearing. Enemies who have recently dropped a spirit orb will not drop another orb for the next 30 seconds indicated by a spirit dagger above their heads.

Contract Contracts[]

Main article: Kit Contracts/Evelynn
Tier Image Rewards Requirements Kit Required
1 Noimageblock Kit Mastery emote 3 wins No
2 Evelynn Dagger Evelynn Dagger emote 20 kills
3 Lucky Crate Lucky Crate 10 wins
4 Spirit Dagger Spirit Dagger lobby gadget 20 wins & 50 kills Yes
5 Evelynn Hearts Evelynn Hearts emote 150 kills
6 Dragged Under Kill Effect Dragged Under kill effect 300 kills & 40 wins
7 Lucky Crate Lucky Crate 70 wins & 500 kills
8 Noimageblock Top Assassin emote 750 kills & 15 dash kills & 300 dashes
9 Evelynn Evelynn title 100 wins No
10 Haunted Spirit Assassin Haunted Spirit Assassin win effect 150 wins & 1500 kills &

30 dash kills & 600 Dashes


Ranged class Strategy[]

Evelynn is a highly versatile movement kit that excels in swiftly traversing the battlefield. Her unique abilities grant her unparalleled mobility, allowing for seamless teleportation with the first hit of a player, thereby enhancing her speed and agility. This distinct characteristic sets Evelynn apart from other kits, making her an excellent choice for those who value rapid movement and evasive maneuvers.

The teleport slash ability further amplifies Evelynn's mobility, enabling her to execute dash kills with remarkable precision. Dash kills are not only a testament to skill but also an essential requirement for fulfilling the Evelynn contract. By utilizing the teleport slash, Evelynn can close the gap between herself and her target in an instant, catching opponents off guard and swiftly eliminating them. This ability not only serves as a powerful offensive tool but also reinforces Evelynn's identity as a formidable and elusive force on the battlefield. Teleport slash + stone sword can deal at least 35 base damage.

Dashing with Evelynn offers more than just its inherent buffs; it can also serve as a powerful tool for startling and confusing opponents. When you teleport, the element of surprise is on your side, often placing you behind your target before they have a chance to react. This presents a golden opportunity to swiftly engage in a mighty combo, catching them off guard and securing the kill. This strategy becomes particularly potent in a 1v2 situation if both opponents are fooled by your teleportation, allowing you to capitalize on their confusion and potentially turn the tide of battle in your favor. The added benefit of obtaining a dash kill is also instrumental in fulfilling the Evelynn contract, further rewarding your skillful execution.

One of the key advantages of Evelynn's teleportation is its versatility. As long as there is a spirit orb available for Evelynn to teleport to, regardless of the range, the ability remains effective. This versatility proves invaluable in situations where void death prevention is necessary. By inflicting at least 26 damage to an opponent, an orb will automatically spawn, providing you with an escape route in the face of impending doom. If you happen to fall into the void, you can utilize the orb to return to the base level. This mechanic not only ensures your survival but also presents an opportunity for a strategic advantage. With a stroke of luck, teleporting behind an unsuspecting enemy's back can set the stage for a skillful outplay, allowing you to knock them off the platform and claim victory.

Make sure to watch out for the spirit orb cooldown that is indicated by a tiny spirit dagger above an enemy's head.

Volume Icon Audio[]

Whisper Unamused
This section is incomplete. Please continue to add info to this section until it is finished.
This section is lacking: All of the spirit orb teleport sounds for Evelynn.
Skin Sound
Normal / Prismatic Slash
Silent Night Slash
Victorious Gold
Platinum File:Platinum Evelynn Teleport.ogg
Diamond File:Diamond Evelynn Teleport.ogg
Nightmare File:Nightmare Evelynn Teleport.ogg

Eye Symbol Lore[]

Main article: Kit Lore Pages/Evelynn

Evelynn appears as a main character in one lore story, that being Spiritual Dilemma - A Lovers' Quarrel.

History class History[]

July 29, 2022 Evelynn Added Evelynn.
Prismatic Evelynn Added the Prismatic kit skin.
August 3, 2022 Fixed a bug that allowed Evelynn to consume a single spirit orb multiple times in a quick succession.
August 12, 2022 Evelynn is now available for individual purchase for Robux 399 Robux .
September 9, 2022 Fixed a bug that allowed Evelynn to keep her speed bonus indefinitely after consuming a spirit orb.
September 30, 2022 Nerf Decreased spirit orb buff duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Nerf Decreased spirit orb speed buff from 50% to 40%.
November 18, 2022 Fixed a bug that caused the Prismatic Evelynn skin to not work.
December 30, 2022 Silent Night Evelynn Added the Silent Night kit skin.
March 10, 2023 Gold Victorious EvelynnPlatinum Victorious EvelynnDiamond Victorious EvelynnNightmare Victorious Evelynn Added the Victorious kit skins.
September 22, 2023 Buff Increased Evelynn's teleport slash damage from 10 to 15.
September 29, 2023 Fixed the Prismatic kit skin from not showing for other players.
February 16, 2024 Added Kit Contracts for Evelynn.

Tank class Gallery[]

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • This kit is the first kit to get an animated kit skin, the second being Hexed Yuzi and the third being Prismatic Marina.
  • There was a glitch that caused the player to "trip" when consuming a soul, causing them to lie down and not be able to move or be damaged.
  • There is a visual glitch where nearby players' swords will turn into a spirit dagger when in first person, though this has since been patched.
  • When the Evelynn is falling and teleports to a spirit orb, she can deal a large amount of AoE damage with the stomper relic equipped.
    • This is a bug.
  • This is the first kit to be seen as an NPC in the lobby.
  • Evelynn is the first limited time kit bundle to be remaining as a kit, as said by a BedWars moderator or developer.
  • The old name of Evelynn is Spirit assassin.
  • It is confirmed that Evelynn and Whisper are a couple, due to emotes showing so as well as Evelynn's lore confirming their relationship.
  • Evelynn, Hannah and the Barbarian have the most kit skins, totaling to 6.
    • If including all Victorious skin variations, Evelynn has a total of 7 kit skins.
  • Evelynn is the first kit that allows the user to teleport, second being Hannah, third being Lani and fourth being Umbra.
  • On September 13th, 2024, the update accidentally removed Crypt, Vanessa, and Evelynn from the kit shop instead of putting them in the kit rotation. This was fixed less than an hour after the update.