BedWars Wiki
Penguin Sleep
This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from October 23, 2021 - December 17, 2021

The Fisherman is a kit that was added in the October 23, 2021 update. His special item is the fishing rod. He could be unlocked by reaching level 25 in the Season 2 Battle Pass.

Movement class Abilities[]

Fishing Rod[]

Players with the Fisherman kit equipped can buy a fishing rod in the Item Shop for 40 IronCroppedIron, which allows them to fish for items that come from the void. Whilst fishing, a minigame appears right above your inventory, when the minigame appears the player must keep the bar in a highlighted area. Different colors reward the player with different items.

Ranged class Strategy[]

As a fisherman, it is your job to be a Support. As the game progresses, the loot drops will never fall off and in fact make you much more powerful than other champions if you stay undisturbed for minutes.

To start, make sure you eliminate your enemies quick if their bases threaten your position. Then, build a great box around your base using oak planks and start fishing, making sure to use coral blocks and others to reinforce the base in case other players come and execute bombing raids for some reason. Then, just scale to no end and show your scaling prowess by rampaging the other enemies!

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

October 23, 2021 Fisherman Added Fisherman.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • The Fisherman's animation used to be broken and one of its legs would rotate to the side, this is clearly unintentional as the animation still happens.
  • This is the fourth kit that gives resources in the game, the first being Farmer Cletus, the second being Beekeeper Beatrix and the third being Bounty Hunter.
  • The Fisherman is the only kit that has access to the rocket launcher, coral blocks, balloons and the charge shield in normal games.
  • However, balloons are still obtainable in the Lucky Block game mode.
  • Fisherman is the first sea-related kit, Axolotl Amy being second, Sheila being third
  • There is a bug where the fishing rod will be dysfunctional on death (on mobile only.)
    • Additionally, there is a bug where you can get no diamonds from a diamond fish.