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This content was obtainable from June 23, 2023 - November 17, 2023

Fortuna is a kit added on the June 23, 2023 update. He could be obtained by reaching level 35 in the Season 8 Free Pass. His special ability allows him to throw cards at enemies which can be upgraded to increase their power or unlock special abilities. He is in the Fighter classfighter class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Card Throw[]



Pressing R will summon 4 cards that lock onto the closest enemy marked by a reticle and chase the target until they reach their victim, regardless of whether they teleport. Each card deals damage to the victim and applies effects based on the upgrades the Fortuna user acquires. This ability has a base 12 second cooldown, which can be decreased with the Quick Draw upgrade. Both players and entities can be targeted by this ability. Base cards deal damage worth to 4% of the basic maximum health of the players hit.

Upgrading Cards[]

Fortuna's card upgrades are shown on the left of the screen with a vertical upgrade bar on the right of the upgrade slots that fills by dealing damage and killing players. When full, he can obtain an upgrade card by pressing the "Q CHOOSE UPGRADE" button that appears below the progress bar when it is full or the Q key, which open up a GUI with the title, "Pick a card, any card!", where he can select 1 of 3 cards to give additional effects, at the same time, the user gains damage by an additional 1. After an upgrade card is selected, the progress bar resets, the "Q CHOOSE UPGRADE" button disappears, and the bar must be filled again to unlock another upgrade card. It takes a total of around 12 kills to unlock all 5 upgrade slots, while filling the progress bar 5 times. Dying will not reset the progress bar. When dealing damage, the user will convert 40% of the damage dealt into upgrade points (3% to entities) to fill the upgrade bar and unlock cards. To unlock level 1, the user needs to fill 100 upgrade points, equivalent to 250 damage dealt to the player, at level 2 there is also the same damage requirement. At level 3, the required upgrade score is increased to 180, equivalent to 450 damage dealt to the player. At level 4, upgrade points now increase further to 270 damage, equivalent to 675 damage to the player. At the last level, upgrade points are now greatly increased, requiring more than 360+ upgrade points, equivalent to 900+ damage. When killing a player, the user will be rewarded with 60 points upgrade. Without killing any players, the user needs to deal 2500+ damage to the player to fill the upgrade bar.


Image Upgrade Name Effect
Aerodynamic Aerodynamic The card now deals with knockback for each card upon hitting the enemy.
Critical Critical Strike Card applies enchant critical strike 2 upon hitting enemy
EnergyDrain Energy Drain The card will heal the user based on 12% damage dealt, but the maximum amount of healing per healing tick is 2
Explosive Explosive The last card causes an explosion, dealing 10 AOE damage as well as destroying nearby blocks and deal moderate knockback. This ability can self damage the user.
Greaterdraw Greater Draw I Increases the amount of cards thrown by 1.
Greaterdraw Greater Draw II Increases the amount of cards thrown by an additional 2.
Minisized Minisized Reduces card damage multiplier by 50% but 5 more additional cards are thrown. Effectively gives +12.5% damage
Oversized Upgrade Oversized Increases card damage multiplier by 200% but reduces the number of cards thrown by 4 (If the number of cards is below 5 cards, the amount is reduced to only reduce 3 cards). Effectively gives -25% damage
Quick Draw Quick Draw Card cooldown reduced by 2s. Card are thrown twice as fast. Effectively gives +20% damage across multiple ability uses
Sharper Cards Upgrade Sharper Cards I Increases damage to each card by +2.
Sharper Cards Upgrade Sharper Cards II Further increases each card's damage by an additional +4.
Scorched Scorched Card applies fire II upon hitting the enemy, dealing 5 base damage per second for 3 seconds.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Fortuna, one of the more customizable kits in the roster, is a varied yet strong fighter kit that can upgrade his Card Throw ability to do many different things. Whether It's making all the cards deal knockback to reducing the ability cooldown and attack faster, Fortuna's ability can greatly help him in battles despite its somewhat random upgrade nature. His ability is simple to understand, being an extra source of damage to help in fights that gets stronger the more upgrades are earned. Fortuna, unlike other fighter kits that need kills, simply needs to damage enemies to make progress towards upgrading his ability, but players should still go for kills when playing this kit nonetheless.

Fortuna, as mentioned earlier, simply has to deal damage instead of getting kills to upgrade his abilities. Still, you would realistically have to kill the enemies you fight because you can't just leave an enemy low on health and expect them to do nothing about it. Instead, this upgrade mechanic is best utilized naturally when fighting enemies as if you did need to kill them, making progress either way even if you do successfully kill your enemies or die trying. This also means if you're fighting an enemy and they flee, you aren't left with completely nothing as you'd have at least made progress towards an upgrade. If you're desperate for progress, you can harass enemies with chip damage from a ranged weapon or your Card Throw, or you could even opt to fight entities such as the Monarch for progress. There's also nothing wrong in throwing yourself towards an enemy recklessly as you don't necessarily need to win a fight with them, all you need is to just land a few hits on them and you're good.

Card Throw is a great ability as not only is it ranged, it locks onto enemies and does sufficient damage to back it up as well. This ability can be further upgraded to do many different things with upgrades such as damage, card count, literally Fire and Life Steal, and many other upgrades, there's tons of options to suit how you want to play. However, if you were to draw a selection of upgrades early on and had to pick an upgrade you didn't like, you might have to build around that upgrade as a set of upgrades that work together will outperform a menagerie of upgrades that don't synergize well. Regardless of what you pick, all of the 5 upgrades you do select will additionally boost the Card Throw's damage, so It's not that bad if you get a few sub-optimal upgrades. This ability can fail to activate should an enemy step out of range or line of sight upon ability activation, and it'll also go on cooldown without doing anything for you. Because of this, be careful of when you activate Card Throw.

Certain upgrades synergize better with other upgrades, while being not as effective with others. A good example is combining Critical Strike with Oversized. Since Oversized reduces the amount of cards thrown, the combined chance for a critical strike to occur is also reduced dramatically. On the other hand, combining it with the Minisized upgrade will increase the combined chance to deal critical strike as the extra cards can also trigger them. Another example could be Aerodynamics, which is more efficient if paired with upgrades that increase the amount of thrown cards, as the knockback from them stacks additively. Oversized works better if paired with both Greater Draw upgrades, while Minisized benefits more from damage bonuses of Sharper Cards.

Fortuna is another standard fighter kit, so the same enchant recommendations are laid out for him. Fortuna's cards have the Fire and Life Steal enchants baked into them as possible upgrades, but it's not a bad idea to get the real deal for their actual effects and for consistency. Static is another standard choice for fighter kits, but Fire and Life Steal work better as the constant barrage of cards cannot benefit as much from a single burst of static damage compared to continuous burn damage or plenty of healing.

A relatively straightforward kit to understand with a forgiving upgrade mechanic and substantial damage output, Fortuna is a kit that fulfills his role as a fighter quite well thanks to his flexible upgrade mechanic. There's a lot of great upgrades and reliable set ups you can create with the throwing cards, so feel free to experiment with the different combinations. Overall, Fortuna is a powerful kit whose consistency may be questionable at times, but his damage output is great should you select a hand of upgrades that synergize well.

Never use quick draw when you have aerodynamic or aerodynamic when you already have quick draw. Because these 2 cards will greatly reduce the knockback of Aerodynamic.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

June 23, 2023 Fortuna Added Fortuna.
Nerf Decreased Explosive damage from 100 to 20.
June 27, 2023 Nerf Decreased damage from upgrades.
Nerf Significantly increased damage required for upgrades by 50%.
Fixed a bug that caused players to be unable to ping while using Fortuna.
July 14, 2023 Nerf Decreased the chance to get the Sharper Cards II upgrade.
Nerf Decreased the chance to get the Greater Draws II upgrade.
? Nerf Decreased the chance to get the Aerodynamic upgrade.
July 28, 2023 Reduced lag caused when using Fortuna.
September 1, 2023 Buff Increased base card damage from 5 to 6.
Nerf Decreased card knockback.
? Fixed Explosive upgrade not dealing knockback.
September 15, 2023 Nerf Decreased Explosive card knockback.
Nerf Decreased Explosive's break power.
September 29, 2023 Nerf Increased the amount of damage required for upgrades by 100%.
November 17, 2023 Nerf Decreased base card damage from 6 to 4.
November 24, 2023 Nerf Changed Scorched fire effect from Fire 3 to Fire 2.
Nerf Changed Energy Drain life steal effect from Life Steal 3 to Life Steal 2.
Nerf Decreased Explosive damage from 20 to 10.
Nerf Decreased Sharper Cards II damage increase from 5 to 4.
December 22, 2023 Buff Increased card upgrade progression multiplier from 25% to 40% for players.
Buff Increased card upgrade progression multiplier from 2% to 3% for entities.
November 22, 2024 Buff Increased the knockback of Aerodynamic Card and Explosive Card upgrades.
Nerf Decreased the explosion radius of Fortuna's Explosive Card upgrade.
Buff Decreased card throw ability cooldown from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Obtaining all upgrade slots takes roughly ~12 kills.
  • Holding a forged weapon will allow cards to deal additional damage based on its forge tier.
    • This also makes the card trigger volcanic once the forged weapon is held.
  • Fortuna is able to deal damage to entities to gain upgrade slots.
    • However, dealing damage to an entity to gain slots is significantly reduced.
  • Fortuna is able to mark and send cards to players that are invisible, or disguised.
    • However, it is unable to mark Milo if he's not close enough, this is similar to Smoke.
  • In Lucky Blocks, various items such as the first aid kit use the R key bind as well, which conflicts with the card throw making throwing cards and activating the backpack's passive at the same time.
    • This has been fixed with the addition of configurable key binds and changes to default key binds.
  • Fortuna is most likely named after the Roman goddess of luck and fortune, who shares the same name.
    • Fortuna is one of the five kits with their name being that of a god or similar to a god, along with Ares, Zephyr, Nyx and Vulcan.
  • If Fortuna controls an item such as a raven, he can use his ability on the target. This has no effect.
  • If a player gets out of attacking range after card activation, the cards will have no effect and the cooldown will always be 14s even if you have the Quick Draw upgrade.
    • This is especially visible on servers with higher ping.
    • It is unknown whether or not this is intentional, but it has been like this ever since the kit's release.
  • At the moment of throwing the card, if the locked enemy leaves the target's attack range but someone else enters the attack area, the card will change the target to that person. Switching the user's gaze at the moment of throwing a card so that the ability to mark enemies changes will also apply.
  • Fortuna resembles a jester.
  • Before September 15, 2023, the explosive upgrade could destroy obsidian.
  • Aerodynamic will deal higher knockback if the enemy is in the air.
  • If cards fail to attack a player, the quick draw upgrade will not affect card cooldown.
  • Dealing the damage in multiple hits fills the rage bar slower than dealing all the damage in just a single attack.
  • If the player upgrades card damage in a certain order, the card damage will also change based on that order.
  • Energy Drain still heals the user even though they cannot deal damage, as long as the card-throwing skill is successfully activated. Similar to Scorched, the card will apply burn to the targeted target whether dealing damage or not.
  • Initially, the hotkey to update the upgrade GUI was the G button instead of V and Q as before, later changed to V, then Q (Hotkey can be switched), and even the message from UPGRADE AVAILABLE also converted to CHOOSE UPGRADE.
  • Upon Fortuna's release, the Critical Strike upgrade was the only enchantment-based upgrade that applied a level 2 enchantments, with the other two (Scorched, Energy Drain) applying their enchantments at level 3 instead.
  • Knockback from the Aerodynamics upgrade stacks with knockback applied through the Explosive upgrade's explosion.
    • The combined knockback is sometimes so strong that it can cause the target to trigger the Anti-Cheat.
  • Fortuna was thought to have been nerfed a total of 14 times, but there has been a number of secret, almost unnoticeable nerfs.
    • Some of the nerfs people were able to find were slightly reducing the maximum card throwing range, reducing energy drain healing per tick heal from 4 to 3 and then to 2, and increasing card unlocking speed by 33% after June 27, 2023.
  • Cards are affected by the damage increase from Ares' Favor, meaning that each card can deal slightly more damage than the one thrown before it.

Tank class Gallery[]

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]
