BedWars Wiki

Freiya is a kit added on December 3, 2021. Her special abilities let her give enemies frostbite and make them explode, and her special item is the ice sword, which strengthens her frostbite ability when used in combat. She can be unlocked by purchasing her directly for Robux 399 Robux , or by being gifted her by someone else. She is in the Fighter classfighter class.

Movement class Abilities[]


Freiya can apply a frostbite stack on an enemy whenever she attacks them, making a four-part blue symbol appear above their heads, with each part illuminated showing how many stacks they have. Reaching 4 frostbite stacks on the same enemy activates the Brittle effect, making them take 4 more damage per attack.

When four stacks are reached on an enemy, the stacks will disappear after 5 seconds of not being damaged.

Frost Explosion[]

Frost Ability


Whenever a frostbite stack is active, pressing R will make Freiya activate the Frost Explosion ability, which makes an explosion of snow and removes all frost stacks, dealing either 2, 4, 8, or 16 damage to an enemy depending on the amount of Frost stacks applied on them that were removed, from 1, 2, 3, and 4 stacks respectively.

Damage dealt by the Frost Explosion ability has 60% armor penetration, while brittle damage has 100% armor penetration.

Frost explosion has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Ice sword[]

Freiya can buy an ice sword from the Item Shop for 4 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald, which replaces the diamond and emerald swords and can be used to amplify Freiya's frostbite passive, adding 2 stacks per hit and adding 2 extra brittle damage, totaling the brittle damage to 6. It also deals 47 damage per hit and is lost upon death.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Freiya's abilities allow her to deal extra damage in close-quarters fights by boosting her attack power and damaging her foes at the press of a button, allowing her to gain an offensive advantage as long as she can land her hits to apply her Frostbite stacks. The Brittle effect, caused by the stacks, allows Freiya to increase the damage she deals to enemies for a faster kill once she hits her opponent enough. Her Frostbite Explosion serves as burst damage, which can damage an enemy quickly or finish them off should their health be critical. Players playing Freiya get access to the cheap yet powerful ice sword, which should be a top priority once emeralds become available, further amplifying her damage capabilities.

Frostbite stacks are required to use the two abilities, and it's essential to have them applied if you want to take advantage of both. They're meant to be applied with your sword since they can't be used through ranged weaponry or explosive items, so rush your enemies down to quickly earn your abilities. It takes four stacks to apply Brittle, the ability that allows you to deal extra damage per hit in the first place. On the other hand, Frostbite Explosion becomes more potent as more stacks are on the enemy, but it also consumes the stacks. When fighting an opponent, It's better to save Frostbite Explosion as a finisher move and stick with Brittle until the enemy is low on health; otherwise, you'll deal pitiful burst damage and make it harder to apply Brittle in battle.

The ice sword is necessary to acquire once you have emeralds, as the damage it does for its price makes it a great weapon. The ice sword's base damage is 47, 2 higher than the diamond sword. With the luxury of applying Frostbite stacks faster, you'll be able to activate Brittle twice as fast while also dealing increased frostbite damage of 6, totaling 53 damage per swing of the sword, just two less compared to the emerald sword while also being significantly cheaper. Buy this sword as soon as you can, as it is not restricted by anything besides a price tag.

For enchants, using Fire and Static are a good option for increasing Frieya's damage output as a standard fighter kit with increased damage per hit. Her abilities don't depend on these enchants because they don't activate them, but they're there to boost Freiya's damage output. Lifesteal is a reliable choice for fighter kits, but frostbite damage doesn't activate Lifesteal. Instead, the ice sword's increased base damage benefits from this enchant, making it an excellent addition to a loadout. Critical Strike is a surprisingly good enchant because of the increased sword and frostbite damage, letting you shred the enemy's health through crit and frost-boosted sword strikes.

Rush your enemies down and keep swinging to maintain Freiya's abilities. With increased damage that ramps up even further, players can deal more damage than their opponents for a decisive victory. Her abilities are further amplified with the ice sword, which makes her already functional Brittle effect even more potent. Because of her skills and the weapon she has, Freiya can be a powerful fighter once she has her Frostbite set up, wrecking opponents who try to fight her head-on.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

December 3, 2021 Freiya Added Freiya.
December 10, 2021 Buff Increased frost effect length from 0.8 seconds to 1.6 seconds.
Buff Increased amplified frost effect length from 1 second to 2.5 seconds.
March 18, 2022 Tiger Brawler Freiya Added Tiger Brawler skin.
October 13, 2023 Buff Decreased cooldown to apply frost stacks from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
Buff Increased frost stack duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
December 15, 2023 Buff Decreased damage needed to unlock frost from 250 to 200.
January 19, 2024 Buff Freiya now starts with her ability unlocked.
Neutral Replaced frost stacks with frostbite stacks.
Buff Enemies with full stacks now have the Brittle effect applied to them.
Buff Freiya can now use the Frost Explosion ability.
Nerf Removed slow debuff when at full stacks.
Neutral Removed the ice bar.
February 2, 2024 Nerf Decreased Frost Explosion ability armor penetration from 100% to 80%.
February 16, 2024 Nerf Decreased Frost Explosion ability armor penetration from 80% to 60%.
Nerf Decreased Frost bite damage with any sword from 4 to 3.
Nerf Decreased Frost bite damage with ice sword from 7 to 6.

Tank class Gallery[]

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • This kit was originally leaked 2 months before its release by Leakgang, a reliable group for releasing leaks of various Roblox games.
    • Its original design consisted of a dark elf dual-wielding 2 swords and wearing a special armor.
  • Freiya may be a Kemonomimi, specifically a Nekomimi due to both of her skins showing feline ears.
  • Players were unable to buy the ice sword upon release as it would not show in the Item Shop. It has now been fixed.
  • This is the second kit that has a unique sword, the first being Barbarian.
  • This is the first kit to have a special sword in the armory section.
  • Both Freiya, Ember, Yuzi, and Lumen have a kit exclusive variant of the diamond sword.
  • There has been a glitch that allows players to activate the frost passive while on the spectator platform. Doing this does not damage other players.
  • In Norse mythology, Freyja (Old Norse "(the) Lady") is a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr (magic for seeing and influencing the future).
    • The Fact Freyja rides a chariot pulled by two cats could (but not necessarily is) be the reason why she has feline ears.
  • Players who aren't using Freiya can unlock the passive by using the Ice Sword (obtained from a Lucky Block) and damaging enemies enough.
  • Freiya was the first kit to receive a kit skin in the Battle Pass, second being Baker.
  • Before rework it was possible to get for the player to unlock the frost passive by damaging themselves.
  • Freiya is the only kit to have both a special ability and an item.
  • Freiya is the only kit to have a kit skin with UI skins.
  • Freiya was the second kit to receive a major rework. Being Infernal Shielder the first, Sigrid the third and Trinity the fourth.
