BedWars Wiki

Gloops are entities added in the November 4, 2022 update. Players can throw them to apply the grounded effect to enemies.

Economy class Obtaining[]


Gloops can be bought for 35 IronCroppedIron inside of the Item Shop. Players can only have up to three gloops at all times.

Defender class Usage[]


When an enemy player comes near a gloop in a 4.6 block radius, it will explode, slowing down enemies by 60% for 1.5 seconds, deal 1 damage, and apply the grounded effect for 9 seconds to players in a 7 block radius. Players who throw a gloop while three gloops are present will make the oldest one explode.

Grounded players are unable to use movement items such as telepearls, gumdrop bounce pads, daos, jade hammer, void axe, cannons, dinos, and scepters of light and abilities like Hannah's execute, Evelynn and Umbra's teleport, Elektra, dagger, scythe's dash, and Yamini. A text will appear saying "Disabled."

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

November 4, 2022 GloopRed Gloop Added gloops.
December 30, 2022 Buff Increased explosion radius from 5.3 blocks to 7 blocks.
Buff Increased gloop detection radius from 3.6 blocks to 4.6 blocks.
Buff Decreased the cost of gloops from 50 IronCroppedIron to 40 IronCroppedIron.
? Neutral Gloops can no longer be dropped.
August 25, 2023 Nerf Increased the price of gloops from 40 IronCroppedIron to 60 IronCroppedIron.
Nerf Gloops now have a max stack size of 3.
May 3, 2024 Buff Decreased the cost of gloops from 60 IronCroppedIron to 35 IronCroppedIron.
July 26, 2024 Nerf Gloops no longer apply enchants

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • There is a test item for this, known as the glue trap.
  • The gloop's hitbox can absorb projectiles.