BedWars Wiki

[[Category:Battle Pass Tier {{{level}}} Kits]]

Grove is a kit added on December 13, 2024. Their special items are crystalheart, soulvine, and tearbloom seeds, which can be planted, and their special ability grows them into flowers that buff himself and nearby teammates by using the energy of spirit orbs. They can be unlocked by purchasing them directly for BedCoins 12,000 BedCoins or Robux 479 Robux , by opening them from a lucky crate, or by being gifted them by someone else via Robux Robux . They are in the Economy classeconomy class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Spirit Orbs[]

Grove will have a bar GUI above their health bar that indicates how much spirit energy they have. Grove can harness spirit energy from spirit orbs that are around the map, filling up the bar by 20. They also passively gain spirit energy every second, filling up the bar by 1.

Spirit Transfer[]

Spirit TransferStop Transfer


Pressing R will make Grove stand still and start transferring spirit energy to any placed spirit plant in a 20 block radius. The process can be stopped by pressing R again or if Grove moves. Spirit energy can be used to grow a plant, add more time to plants, or revive plants after they have withered. Grove will consume the same amount of spirit energy, no matter how many plants are in her radius.

Spirit Plants[]

Grove has access to the crystalheart seed, soulvine seed, and tearbloom seed. The Soulvine and Tearbloom seeds cost 30 IronCroppedIron each, while the Crystalheart seed costs 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald each. The spirit seeds can be placed down and require energy indicated by "NEEDS ENERGY". It takes around 50 of Grove's spirit energy to grow a seed into a plant.

Once a plant has been grown they will have a life span of 1 minute and 30 seconds, indicated by a timer above the plant. While the plant is alive, it will grant an active effect to generators or players around it in a 20 block radius. If the plant's timer runs out, they will go into their withered state (indicated by a "WITHERED" text above them) and their effects will wear off. Plants can be revived by transferring spirit energy to them. It takes 50 of Grove's spirit energy to revive a plant. Once a plant is revived, their time will reset. Spirit plants can be broken, however it will take time away from their duration until they have 0 seconds left in which they will be removed.

The Soulvine plants will grant the Soulvine Empowered effect which gives 2% extra damage to teammates, capping out at 30% extra damage or 15 stacks. The Tearbloom plants will grant the Tearbloom Empowered effect which allows any teammate to heal 1 HP per stack, capping out at 15 HP or 15 stacks. The Crystalheart seed will grant the team's generator a 10% speed boost while also granting any global generators a 50% speed boost, reducing the time it takes for them to drop resources. This effect has no limit.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

December 13, 2024 Grove Added Grove.
December 20, 2024 Buff Teammate's fireballs no longer affect Grove’s flowers.
Fixed grove buffs continuing to be applied when multiple plants are destroyed
Fixed grove buff particle effects blocking building in first person

Tank class Gallery[]
