BedWars Wiki

The Infernal Shielder is item/ability a kit added on July 5, 2021. His special item is the infernal shield, that when held, lets him reflect projectiles, reduce damage taken by himself and allies around him, and makes him able to leap once he blocks enough damage with it. He can be unlocked by purchasing him directly for Robux 399 Robux , by opening him from a lucky crate, or by being gifted him by someone else. He is in the Tank classtank class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Infernal Shield[]

Main article: Infernal Shield

The Infernal Shielder spawns and starts the match with an infernal shield, which he can use to reflect all incoming projectiles back to the player that fired them, alongside applying a 50% damage reduction to all other attacks. Area of effect (AOE) projectiles will only be reflected if they hit the infernal shield or the Infernal Shielder directly. Additionally, he can fill up an Infernal Energy bar by blocking 130 damage or passively holding the infernal shield, and pressing the Z key will allow him to leap up to 60 blocks, dealing 20-30 damage and inflicting Fire II on everyone near the impact circle. It will also make Shielder slightly slower.

Damage Reduction[]

Infernal Shielder gets a passive 10% damage reduction to all attacks, due to having the infernal shield in his inventory. When the infernal shield is equipped, he receives a total of 50% damage reduction. Nearby allies will also receive half of the damage reduction applied to him, being 25%.

However, entities are able to bypass the shield's passive and active defense, and deal full damage to the Infernal Shielder.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

July 5, 2021 Infernal Shielder Added the Infernal Shielder.
April 21, 2023 Buff The Infernal Shielder now has a passive 10% damage reduction.
January 5, 2024 Buff The Infernal Shielder can now passively gain energy while holding his shield.
June 21, 2024 Infernal Surfer Added the Surfer skin.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • The Infernal Shielder used to have a 50% damage reduction to melee attacks when using the shield.
    • This has been changed during the shield's rework, but was reverted since April 21, 2023.
  • This kit used to be called the "Inferno Shielder".
  • The word "infernal" means "from hell.”
  • The Infernal Shielder is currently the only kit with 2 reworks.
  • The April 21, 2023 update states that only the Infernal Shielder, when equipped, gets the 10% passive damage reduction. Instead, anyone with the shield in their inventory gets the 10% damage reduction passive instead.
  • The Infernal Shielder's technical name is "Shielder".
  • There is a specific interaction involving Hannah where if she executes the Infernal Shielder with the Infernal Shield equipped, the energy bar will be fully filled up due to the shield blocking 999 damage.
