BedWars Wiki
Penguin Sleep
This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from October 23, 2021 - December 17, 2021

Jack is a kit added on October 23, 2021. His special items are oil blobs, which lets him deal area damage to enemies stepping on it after being thrown. He could be unlocked by reaching level 40 in the Season 2 Free Pass. He is in the Ranged classranged class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Oil Blobs[]

Main article: Oil Blob

Jack can buy oil blobs from the Item Shop for 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald each, which can be thrown onto surfaces to cover a large area in oil that will slowly shrink and disappear over a 20 second period. Any enemies on the oil will take 8 initial poison damage before taking 3 poison damage per second. The oil has a slippery surface and slides Jack, teammates and enemies.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Jack is the weakest kit in terms of strength and abilities among all kits and isn't worth using in matches, he's preferred to be slightly useful (if even possible) in mid-game. However, Jack can be a staller or a bed breaker depending on how you play him.

Jack can be a staller by using his oil blobs to create temporary slippery bridges to slide through some gaps (Note that it is obviously not gonna be faster, so spam jump if you wish to), stalling the enemies as they have to create new bridges at least 1 block above the oil puddle. This however isn't the best way to stall as movement class (and occasionally support class like Gingerbread Man kit) does it better.

If occupying the bed breaker role, you can place oil blobs above your head before rushing in (Preferably 2 blocks above ground), forcing enemies to defend bed by going around the oil puddle. You can use another oil blob on ground to pressure enemies and punish them with chip poison damage. Do note that oil puddles disappear after 20 seconds, so you got 20 seconds to block into bed defenses and break the bed before they can counter with a counter tnt/fireball.

Jack's offensive capabilities although isn't better than any offensive kits can be shown to be effective when played right. Having oil blobs 2 blocks above ground before fighting enemies will guarantee chip damage from oil puddle, placing another oil puddle on ground doubles the effectiveness. This however is a really specific setup so it's usable in really rare occasions (eg. Having a 2x2x2 pillar nearby). So usually you would prefer to place an oil puddle on ground to either force a spam jump or unpredictable slipperiness to get an advantage.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

October 23, 2021 Jack Added Jack.

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • There is no limit to how many oil blobs players can have in their inventory.
  • Players used to be able to use plunder enchant with oil blobs to take lots of loot from teammates and enemies.
  • Jack is a scarecrow.
    • Jack's head looks similar to the Jack o'Boom item that can be harvested by Farmer Cletus or any teammates of Farmer Cletus. This could mean that Jack is Farmer Cletus' scarecrow.
  • Confirmed by the developers, Jack is the least used kit in the entire game.
    • This was probably due to the season being quite short and Jack being extremely weak.
  • Jack's technical name is "Oil Man".
  • Jack is the only kit without an emote, the other is Void regent.
  • There was a small glitch which wasn't pretty known between the community which allowed player to duplicate resources with clingy 2 enchant
    • This glitch was already fixed.
