BedWars Wiki
Penguin Sleep
This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from August 27, 2021 - October 23, 2021

Jade is a kit added on August 27, 2021. Her item is the jade hammer, which lets her leap forward and launch enemies in the air. She could be unlocked by reaching level 30 in the Season 1 Free Pass. She is in the Movement class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Jade Hammer[]

Main article: Jade Hammer

Jade can buy the jade hammer for 40 IronCroppedIron, which can be used to make Jade leap 6 blocks forward and smash the ground in front of her. Enemies caught in the smash are launched high in the air and fall, taking fall damage, which can be as low as 17 or as high as 60 depending on the height, and ignores armor in addition to its 12 base damage. It has a 4 second cooldown indicated by a purple bar under the jade hammer in the hotbar.

She cannot move while the animation is playing, but it can be canceled by switching to another item briefly after leaping.

Using the jade hammer before hitting the ground will reset Jade's fall and negate fall damage.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Jade is one of the oldest movement-focused kits in Bedwars, featuring a ferocious stealth playstyle centered around the mighty Jade Hammer. This weapon allows the user to execute devastating hit-and-run tactics, leaping forward to strike from an unexpected angle, then following up with another leap to reposition behind the enemy before they can react. Watching foes go flying helplessly through the air after a Jade strike is a sight to behold. However, the Jade kit's immense power and mobility have not gone unnoticed, leading to the development of effective counters over time. Additionally, this kit was subsequently nerfed to the point that describing Jade as god-tier would require a past tense.

Jade's hammer is a separate item in your inventory, taking up one space in the hotbar. But it does not matter, as you can still switch between items pretty fast. Using your hammer and then quickly switching to your sword will allow for an efficient combo start, as well as the hammer animation cancelling (because the hammer is no longer used) which saves time and energy. Jade's hammer only strikes in one direction; it cannot be used to leap and curve attacks. This means you need to align yourself properly to actually make a safe landing after using the hammer. Also, the launch distance will always stay the same, so we do not recommend attempting to use it to hop over bridges or other large gaps.

When hitting a player with your hammer, it absolutely does the work for you. Upon impact, the target takes 12 damage and is then launched high into the air, with the distance of the launch depending on how far you swung the hammer. The enemy then takes a handful of fall damage upon landing. This effect is instantaneous, and under the right soil conditions and with proper positioning, a single hammer hit can instantly kill a player. Having dealt all that damage after that single hit, the enemy can then be instantly finished off with a sword swing or another use of the hammer.

Tips 'n tricks: The Jade hammer has the added benefit of stopping a fall immediately after being used. Therefore, in the event of suddenly plummeting more than 30 blocks to the ground, a timely swing of the Jade hammer will instantly reset your fall, potentially saving you from a devastating amount of fall damage. Additionally, the Jade kit's gloop abilities should not be overlooked. Sticky trapping an enemy before sending them flying, even into the void, disables all of their telepearl options. They won't even be able to attempt a clutch telepearl escape, no matter how quick their reactions might be. Furthermore, the Jade hammer can be used defensively as well. If you find yourself struck from behind by an opponent, a quick swing of the hammer after taking a sword hit will send you flying - a common mechanic shared by many mobility-focused weapons in Bedwars. This can work to your advantage, allowing you to reach another sky island or make up the distance with telepearls. However, it's a double-edged sword, as you could also end up launched far away from any safe ground.

In the end, the key to mastering the Jade kit is watching out for the brief countdown on the hammer's cooldown. Time your swings carefully, and you'll be able to leverage the full range of this iconic weapon's capabilities to devastating effect.

Eye Symbol Lore[]

Main article: Kit Lore Pages/Barbarian
Builder Hammer
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Jade appears in one lore story, that being In Solitude - The Noble Savage.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

August 27, 2021 Jade Added Jade.
March 11, 2022 Nerf Jade can no longer purchase telepearls.
April 15, 2022 Buff Jade can now purchase telepearls again.

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • This kit has a lot of similarities to Yuzi and the Void Regent.
  • This kit was the first that could be obtained for free.
  • Jade has jade gemstones on her hammer and her clothes, hence the name of the kit.
  • This was the first kit that utilised a melee weapon that could launch a player forward.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]
