BedWars Wiki
Whisper Unamused
This page is incomplete. Please continue to add info to this page until it is finished.
This page is lacking: All of the bow shot sound affects for lyla.

Lyla is a kit added on April 28, 2023. Her special items are the floral bow, floral crossbow, and the floral headhunter, which let her attract bees to enemies hit. She could be unlocked by purchasing the Holiday Bundle 2023 for Robux 1499 Robux , and currently can be unlocked by purchasing her directly for Robux 399 Robux , BedCoins 10,000 BedCoins or by opening her from a lucky crate, or by being gifted her by someone else. She is in the Ranged classranged class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Blooming Rose[]

Lyla can buy the floral bow, floral crossbow, and floral headhunter from the Item Shop instead of their normal counterparts for 24 IronCroppedIron, 7 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald, and 24 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald respectively, which each can be used to shoot an enemy to summon a pink rose over the opponents head, attracting bees and causing the player to take 3 damage per tick for 5 seconds. Landing more arrows on the same enemy will increase the bee damage and duration of the blooming rose. If an arrow lands on the ground, it will plant a pink rose. Enemies near the pink rose who already have a blooming rose, will attract the bees and increase the damage per tick.

Only the floral weapons can summon roses and draw bees, while all other ranged weapons do not.

Volume Icon Audio[]

Whisper Unamused
This section is incomplete. Please continue to add info to this section until it is finished.
This section is lacking: All of the bow shot sound affects for lyla.
Skin Sound
Normal File:Lyla Bow Shot.ogg
Frost Queen File:Frost Queen Lyla Bow Shot.ogg
Victorious Gold File:Gold Victorious Lyla Bow Shot.ogg
Platinum File:Platinum Victorious Lyla Bow Shot.ogg
Diamond File:Diamond Victorious Lyla Bow Shot.ogg
Emerald File:Emerald Victorious Lyla Bow Shot.ogg
Nightmare File:Nightmare Victorious Lyla Bow Shot.ogg

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

April 28, 2023 Lyla Added Lyla.
June 27, 2023 Lyla can now buy the floral headhunter.
December 22, 2023 Frost Queen Lyla Added Frost Queen skin.
April 19, 2024 Gold Victorious LylaPlatinum Victorious LylaDiamond Victorious LylaEmerald Victorious LylaNightmare Victorious Lyla Added the Victorious skins.
October 25, 2024 Nerf Decreased the lifetime of Lyla's pink roses from 10 minutes to 8 minutes.
December 20, 2024 Frost Queen Lyla Frost Queen skin is now for sale again

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Lyla seems to be based on the Lagerstroemia plant from the Lythraceae family, specifically the Princess Lyla Crape Myrtle.
  • Lyla is the third bee-related kit, with the first being Beekeeper Beatrix and second being Flora.
    • Lyla also works similarly to Flora, with both having bees to attack for them, while Beatrix has bees to generate economy for her.
