March 11, 2022
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March 11, 2022 , also known as the Season 4 progress update, is a minor update in BedWars that added the Academy Aery kit skin, made Axolotl Amy free, enabled Triple XP , and other minor changes.
Content [ ]
Additions [ ]
Enabled Triple XP
Added Academic Aery kit skin .
Added Canyon (Duels)
Added new command: /cohost all
, which grants cohost permissions to all players
Added /sethealthregen <player> <regen_amount>
, which sets the health regen rate for a player.
Modifications [ ]
Removed Infection
Re-added Duels
Jade , Void Regent , and Yuzi no longer have access to telepearls .
Buffed camera turret damage from 5 to 8 HP.
Increased camera turret knockback by 20%.
Increased camera turret bullet max distance by 25%.
Buffed stone brick health from 60 to 75.
Decreased stone brick price from 48 Iron to 40 Iron .
Decreased oak wood plank price from 40 Iron to 34 Iron .
Clan tags now support the underscore characters and can now change the case of their clan tag in the management tab.
Removed the mechanic of 40% Iron generator loss on death that was introduced 2 patches ago.
The Minage pack is now unobtainable.
BedWars Update History
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