BedWars Wiki
Whisper Unamused
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This page is lacking: Image of the bar that shows when the player will get another Jellyfish.

Marina is a kit added on June 21, 2024. Her special item-entities are jellyfish, which can connect with others to become stronger in their shocking capabilities. She could've been unlocked by purchasing the Marina Kit Bundle for Robux 999 Robux , and currently can be unlocked by purchasing her directly for BedCoins 10,000 BedCoins or Robux 399 Robux , by opening her from a lucky crate, or by being gifted her by someone else via Robux Robux . She is in the Defender class defender class.

Movement class Abilities[]


Marina starts the game with one Jellyfish which can be placed to shock nearby players. Jellyfish have 80 health and can be killed by attacking them, but can be easily picked up by pressing F.

If the jellyfish placed and in her inventory are less than 4, every 20 seconds she gets another jellyfish shown in a small bar to the left, which can be placed to connect with other nearby jellyfish, empowering the damage and range of both jellies, shown by an electric line connecting them. Jellyfish must be placed more than 5 blocks apart from each other. Connecting jellyfish together will increase damage by 15% per jellyfish connected. If a jellyfish is further than 11 blocks away from another jellyfish they will not connect.

Electrify Jellyfish[]

Marina Ability


When pressing R, the placed jellies will zap nearby enemies, dealing high damage and applying the Zapped effect. The damage and range of the zap increases when more jellyfish are placed down. The ability will zap any of your jellyfish in a 15 block radius, the jelly will zap anyone in a 10-13 block radius. Marina will zap the closest jelly, then zap all other connecting jellyfish. This ability has a cooldown of 9 seconds.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

June 21, 2024 Marina Added Marina.
Prismatic Marina Added the Prismatic skin.
June 28, 2024 Fixed a bug that placed jellyfish inside map blocks.
Nerf Increased Electrify Jellyfish ability cooldown from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.
July 5, 2024 Marina is now available for individual purchase for Robux 399 Robux .
Fixed a bug regarding the purchasing of the Marina kit.
July 26, 2024 Nerf Marina will now only receive jellyfish if they are alive and in Marina's inventory, 3 or lower.
November 8, 2024 Nerf Increased the Electrify Jellyfish cooldown from 7 seconds to 9 seconds.
January 3, 2025 Merry Marina Added the Merry skin.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • This is the first kit with translucent skin.
  • This kit is the third kit to get an animated kit skin, with the first being Prismatic Evelynn and the second being Hexed Yuzi
  • This is the second kit to have a prismatic kit skin, with the first one being Prismatic Evelynn
  • Marina is the sixth kit to get a kit skin upon release.
  • Marina is the first Defender kit to be released in 3 years since Trapper on October 23, 2021.
