BedWars Wiki

Milo is a kit added on September 15, 2023. His special ability lets him disguise as blocks and pickpocket nearby enemies. He can be unlocked by purchasing him directly for Robux 399 Robux , by opening him from a lucky crate, or by being gifted him by someone else. He is in the Economy classeconomy class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Block Disguise[]

Chameleon Block


Pressing R will make Milo transform into the block his cursor is on for 2 minutes. There is a 1 second cooldown between transformations. While transformed, his nametag will be hidden and can pickpocket enemies from up to 7 blocks away to steal their items and resources. If he does not move for a second, he will visually clip in place as an actual block placed in the map. Not all blocks are available to be disguised as.

The timer (represented by a bar above his health) will start deducting when Milo is transformed into a block at a rate of 1s every second when not moving, and 6s every second while moving. He will also leave bright footprints when moving as a block. If he keeps his disguise for at least 5 seconds, he will also gain 25 shield HP for 5 seconds and a 25% speed boost for 2 seconds when transforming back. Milo regains 3 seconds of disguise time every second while in his player form.

Milo will be return to his player form if any of the following happens:

  • Getting damaged from any source (except fall damage).
  • Manually transforming back with R.
  • Disguise time bar is fully depleted.
  • Any action that is not moving (shooting ranged weapons, placing blocks, etc.).
  • Recalling back to base.
  • Emoting.
  • Triggering a bed alarm.
  • Teleporting with telepearls.

While disguised, he cannot be targeted or detected by the following:


While he is disguised, not moving for 1 second allows Milo to pickpocket any enemy within a 7 block range by pressing F or tapping on the prompt button, taking a random item the enemy has. Milo takes 25% of a currency the enemy currently has. The following is a list of items Milo can pickpocket:

Ranged class Strategy[]

Milo is not only a kit that offers great mobility, but it also provides endless opportunities for trolling and wreaking havoc on the enemy team while providing a good laugh and memorable gameplay experiences. The ability to transform into blocks and seamlessly blend in with the environment is the key to Milo's unique playstyle.

As a block, Milo enjoys the advantage of being virtually undetectable. Without a nametag, you can easily blend in with any block in the game, allowing for seamless infiltration and surprise attacks. If an enemy is not paying close attention, you can sneak into their base undetected, catching them off guard and potentially turning the tables in your favor. This element of surprise adds an extra layer of strategy and excitement to Milo's gameplay, as you can exploit your opponents lack of vigilance and strike when they least expect it. Beware, though, due to time limitations, arrows and swords; you need to pay attention if you are still morphed or have any time to keep the disguise.

One of the most amusing aspects of Milo's kit is the ability to pickpocket players. While disguised as a block, you can get up close to unsuspecting enemies and steal valuable resources from them. This includes TNTs, telepearls, Gloops, and more. By positioning yourself near the enemy generator, you can take advantage of their presence and start pilfering their resources, disrupting their plans and weakening their defenses. This not only provides a strategic advantage for your team but also adds a mischievous and entertaining element to your gameplay.

Bed breaking has never been easier. By strategically breaking just one block of the bed defense and promptly integrating yourself into it, you create a deceptive illusion that can catch even the most vigilant players off guard. The key lies in exploiting their lack of attention. As they fail to notice the missing block, you seize the opportune moment to swiftly strike and break the bed. This technique can be employed with multiple players, leaving them bewildered and questioning how their defenses were so easily dismantled. Even with a long and elaborate bed defense, you can adopt a patient approach, infiltrating one block at a time. By maintaining a methodical and deliberate pace, you increase your chances of success, as slow and steady often wins the race in the realm of bed breaking. This can also be even easier, if you cover yourself with blocks before trying to break the other team's bed. Hence, you don't need to be worried if they are or not killing you in a larger bed protection.

In the lucky blocks, you can hide as lucky blocks. By quietly making your way to a team's base as a lucky block, no one can tell you are a player because it looks so convincing. Watch your enemies try to break a lucky block that isn't one, while you pickpocket the hell out of them and collect all the loot. If you have a powerful weapon (e.g. Rageblade, Deathbloom) you can sneak attack, and thank us later.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

September 15, 2023 Milo Added Milo.
Buff Increased block disguise form duration to 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Neutral Changed timer deduction when moving to 3 seconds.
Buff Milo now recovers 2 seconds to the timer while he is not disguised.
Buff Increased pickpocket range.
Buff Increased pickpocket plunder amount.
Buff Milo can no longer be targeted or detected by Fortuna's reticle, tesla coil traps, skeletons, chickens, diamond guardians, the Titan, radioactive plants, or other Milos while disguised.
September 16, 2023 Buff Milo now gains 10 shield HP and a 25% speed boost whenever he is revealed after being disguised for 5 seconds.
September 19, 2023 Milo is now in the Economy class.
Nerf Milo now transforms back to his player form whenever recalling to base, triggering Bed Alarms, and teleporting.
September 22, 2023 Buff Increased shield HP gain from 10 HP to 20 HP.
Buff Increased resource steal cap from 15% to 25%.
October 13, 2023 Buff Increased shield HP gain from 20 HP to 25 HP.
Nerf Shield effect now expires after 5 seconds.
October 27, 2023 Buff Increased shield HP gain from 25 HP to 40 HP.
Buff Increased disguise duration from 1 minute and 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
December 15, 2023 Grinch Milo Added the Grinch skin.
March 1, 2024 Buff Increased disguise time regains from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
Nerf Decreased shield HP gain from 40 HP to 25 HP.
Nerf Increased energy required to move from 3 to 6.
Improved Milo progress bar towards reveal buffs
June 21, 2024 Aquatic Milo Added the Aquatic skin.
December 27, 2024 Emoting while disguising as a block now undisguises you.

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Milo was left unclassed upon released but was later classed as Economy on September 19, 2023.
  • This kit is one of the fastest kits to receive a buff.
    • Cogsworth and Milo are both tied for the third most amount of buffs in an update with 6 buffs. The number two spot goes to Sigrid, and the number one spot belongs to Terra who got 8 buffs in one update.
  • This is the first kit to be able to transform into a block.
  • This is the first purchasable kit added in Season 8.
  • Milo is one of the three kits to resemble anthropomorphic animals, the other two being Crocowolf and Xu'rot.
  • The 'Milo Snack' emote is based on an Australian cereal brand called Milo.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]
