BedWars Wiki

November 17, 2023, also known as the Season 9 Battle Pass update, is a major update in BedWars that added the Season 9 Battle Pass, changed major core game mechanics, added multiple new cosmetics, new kits, and much more.




  • Re-added All Same Kit.
  • Added a diamond generator capture system.
  • Added the Era system.
  • Added the bed plating mechanic.
  • Updated multiple maps to support the new generator changes.
    • Blossom (Squads)
    • Seasonal (Squads)
    • Darkholm (Squads)
    • Sand Shrine (Squads)
    • Blossom (Duos)
    • Seasonal (Duos)
    • Darkholm (Duos)
    • Sand Shrine (Duos)
  • Modified certain kits to preform well within the new season.
    • Neutral Decreased Fortuna card damage from 6 to 4 .
    • Neutral Decreased Eldric's warlock staff base damage from 3 to 2 .
    • Neutral Decreased Eldric's warlock staff base healing from 3 to 2.
  • Nerf Tesla coil traps now get temporarily disabled by nearby players with the Titan's Blessing effect.
  • The enchant table can now be unlocked through the new eras system.
  • Buff Decreased enchant table enchanting requirements from 80 IronCroppedIron and 3 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 60 IronCroppedIron and 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald.
  • Buff Decreased the price of team damage upgrades from [6, 12, 22] to [5, 10, 18] based on tier [T1, T2, T3].
  • Removed the forge.
  • Removed daggers, scythes, great hammers, and gauntlets.
  • Removed radioactive plants and invisible landmines.
  • Removed the Diamond Generator and Destruction team upgrades.
  • Removed 30v30.
  • Decreased all player base health value back to 100 HP.

Update Patch[]

Five hours after the release of the update, the developers released a patch to slow down PvP.


  • Nerf Increased the diamond generator's cooldown.
  • Buff Increased armor damage reduction at each tier from [28%, 48%, 68%, 78%] to [36%, 56%, 76%, 84%].
  • Nerfed various items to balance player fighting.
    • Nerf Decreased bow damage from 20 to 18.
    • Nerf Decreased crossbow damage from 40 to 34.
    • Nerf Decreased tactical crossbow damage from 50 to 42.
    • Nerf Decreased Headhunter damage from 60 to 52.
    • Nerf Decreased Tactical Headhunter damage from 70 to 60.
    • Nerf Decreased tesla coil trap damage from 4 to 3.
    • Nerf Decreased Static damage at Tier 2 and Tier 3 from 10/15 to 8/12.
    • Nerf Decreased light sword weak light wave damage from 24 to 18.
    • Nerf Decreased light wave strong light wave damage from 32 to 24.
    • Nerf Decreased wizard staff lighting strike damage from 19 to 16.
    • Nerf Decreased wizard staff lightning storm damage from 36 to 30.
    • Nerf Decreased Lyla bee damage.
    • Nerf Decreased dao dash damage by 10%.
    • Nerf Decreased chicken damage from [26, 30, and 34] (Diamond, Emerald, Void) to [21, 27, and 30].
  • The golden goose now responds when the player honks.
  • Re-added 30v30.
  • The shopkeeper now changes its appearance based on the team's current era.
