BedWars Wiki

Obsidian is a block in BedWars, four blocks of obsidian can be bought for 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald from the Item Shop. It is the strongest blastproof block that can be bought from the Item Shop.



Obsidian can be purchased from Item Shop for 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald , giving 4 blocks per purchase.


The player has a chance of obtaining 6 blocks of obsidian from fishing.


Destroyer class Obsidian Breaking Data
Best Tool
Pickaxe Graphic
Base Hits Needed
Axe Graphic
Pickaxe Graphic
Wood 75 30
Stone 75 19
Iron 75 13
Diamond 75 8
Shears 75


Bed protection[]

Obsidian is one of the best items/blocks to use to protect a team's bed, since it is very hard to break, and it is blastproof.


May 28, 2021 Old Obsidian Added obsidian.
June 14, 2021 Buff Buffed the strength of obsidian.
November 1, 2021 Old Obsidian 2 Changed the texture of obsidian.
November 26, 2021 Obsidian Changed the texture of obsidian.
January 6, 2023 Buff Decreased the price of obsidian from 4 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald.
September 15, 2023 Buff Decreased the price of obsidian from 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald.
Nerf Decreased obsidian block health from 150 to 100.
May 17, 2024 Buff Increased obsidian health from 100 to 150 again


  • This is the most expensive block in-game, costing 1 emerald per 4 blocks.
    • Note that players cannot buy one block at a time.
  • Players that have the Builder Kit can reinforce obsidian to make it stronger, however, costing them 3 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald.
  • Obsidian is the second hardest block to break, coral blocks being the hardest. However, coral blocks aren't blastproof, while obsidian is.
  • It is one of the 4 obtainable blastproof blocks, the others being the cannon, reinforced blocks and Blastproof Ceramic.
  • The only explosions that are able to destroy obsidian is the Dino's ability, and the Carrot Cannon.
  • It can be broken using Warfists.