BedWars Wiki
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This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from August 27, 2021 - October 23, 2021

Pyro is a kit added in the August 27, 2021 update. Players could reach Level 50 in the Season 1 Battle Pass in order to unlock him.

Movement class Abilities[]


Main article: Flamethrower

Pyro can purchase a flamethrower from the Item Shop for 3 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald that allows him to burn enemies, damaging them and making the enemies brittle. Enemies cannot be hit through blocks. Brittle enemies take an extra 30 damage with 20% armor penetration whenever damaged, indicated by a small orange fire above their heads. If damaged or unharmed for 15 seconds, the effect will disappear.

The flamethrower can be upgraded to make it more powerful and efficient. It has three upgrade paths up to level 4. However, only one upgrade path can be upgraded to level 4, which grants unique effects: pushing enemies, armor penetration, or burning flammable blocks.


Main article: Ember (item)

Brittle enemies will drop 1 EmberEmber (item) upon death, which can be used to upgrade the flamethrower. They will not be lost upon death. Depending on what tier 4 upgrade the player gets, it takes 22, 24, 26 EmbersEmber (item) to upgrade the entire flamethrower.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Because Pyro's flamethrower costs emeralds, you should go to the center and collect the 3 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald as soon as possible. Having the Flamethrower early game is extremely beneficial as it deals rapid fire damage and the brittle damage which can allow you to defeat an unsuspecting enemy before they can react and run away.

Once you get the flamethrower, it is very important to start racking up EmbersEmber (item)to upgrade your flamethrower. A good method is to find other people who are already fighting, then stand back and fire your flamethrower, which makes them both brittle and can yield embers, since if another player kills someone you made brittle you will still get the embers.

You should focus on a specific path to max out, instead of getting all three upgrades at once. Embers are kept on death, so don't be afraid of jumping into a situation you might not get out alive, as long as you can make as many enemies brittle and kill them to get the embers. Your choice of the max upgrade should depend on how you want to play the game. When going head to head against players, Power is a good choice, since you can quickly spray a few ticks of fire and then switch to a sword to activate the large damage caused by the brittle. The fire knockback can also allow you to stall an enemy which enables you to use the flamethrower for longer before the enemy enters sword range. If you fight with your team, then the Heat upgrade is a good choice, since maxing it will allow you to deal substantial damage with just the fire. The armor penetration also helps further the damage even more, which lets you kill several enemies at once. And if you want to attack and break beds, then the Range upgrade can be beneficial, as a longer range can attack enemies without putting yourself in too much danger, especially if the enemy base contains tesla coils or other traps that deal damage if you get close enough. The flamethrower burning flammable blocks also can destroy bed defenses made of wood planks or wool.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

August 27, 2021 Pyro Added Pyro.
August 28, 2021 Buff Pyro can now have small movement while using the flamethrower.
October 15, 2021 Buff Pyro now keeps embers upon death.
November 19, 2021 Nerf Pyro no longer keeps embers upon death.
September 8, 2023 Buff Pyro can deal 10% more damage to other Tier 50 Kits.
December 15, 2023 Buff Pyro keeps embers upon death again.
June 14, 2024 Nerf Pyro now has a 8 second cooldown for gaining embers.
Late 2024 Pyro no longer deals 10% increased damage to other Tier 50 Battle Pass kits.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • This is the first kit that has an upgrade mechanic, with the second being Adetunde.
  • Other entities are able to activate the Brittle effect applied by the flamethrower.
  • This is the first kit to have a light effect. The second is Jack and the third is Christmas Spirit Warlock (Eldric kit).
  • This is one of the 5 kits where the player needs the kit equipped to actually use the kit's item, the others being Axolotl Amy, Alchemist, Whim and Metal Detector.
  • This kit is often compared to and is very likely a reference to the class of the same name from Team Fortress 2.