BedWars Wiki

September 29, 2023, also known as the Bacon Blade update, is an update that added a weapon to Food Lucky Blocks and a new mechanic.

Contract Update contents[]



  • Buffed and nerfed a few kits and items.
    • Buff Increased fortified block back resistance multiplier from 1.45 to 1.65.
    • Buff Fortified blocks will not burn.
    • Buff Increased damage per sheep from 8% to 9%.
    • Buff Increased Crocowolf speed buff from 200% to 225%.
    • Buff Increased beehive grenades rewarded on kills and assists from 1 to 2.
    • Buff Increased beehive grenade armor penetration from 25% to 30%.
    • Buff Punching enemies into blocks with Kaliyah will now spawn fire.
    • Buff Increased beehives grenades granted after kills and assists from 1 to 2
    • Buff Increased beehive armor penetration from 25% to 30%
    • Nerf Decreased progress speed towards Fortuna's card upgrades.
    • Buff Chaged scaling for Gauntlets combo damage.
    • Buff Increased Gauntlet base damage at all stages.
    • Buff Reduced attack cooldown of Gauntlets from 0.23 to 0.21 seconds.
    • Nerf Reduced block explosion power for TNT & Fireballs.
    • Nerf Decreased life steal percent healing from 21.5% to 19.5%.


  • Fixed a bug where Hannah execution prompts to remain even when the enemy is no longer executable.
  • Custom maps now display creator credits in the spectator platform.
  • Added mid-match event countdown timers to the in-game HUD.
  • Fixed a bug where Ignis could use scythe ability while on a spirit bridge.
  • Fixed Prismatic Evelynn skin not appearing for other players.
