September 9, 2022
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September 9, 2022 , also known as the glitched lucky block update, is an update in BedWars that added glitched lucky blocks , trumpets , and various bug fixes.
Content [ ]
Additions [ ]
Modifications [ ]
Enabled Double XP Event .
Modified accuracy of projectile prediction path display.
Modified telepearl destination accuracy.
Drones now get destroyed when they fall in the void.
Drones can now be toggled whilst in first person.
Bug fixes [ ]
Fixed the SetDeathmatchTime
host panel option not working.
Fixed an exploit allowing exploiters to crash games.
Fixed dino charge not breaking blocks.
Fixed Axolotl Amy & Barbarian abilities not working after respawning in Custom Matches.
Fixed a bug causing Lucía to be unable to place piñatas .
Fixed flamethrower flame particles not displaying when using the item.
Fixed a bug causing Evelynn to keep her speed boost indefinitely.
Fixed the Spirit Eldertree skin not working.
Fixed Custom Matches breaking when being created with random map selection.
September 10–14, 2022 [ ]
Modifications [ ]
Re-added NPC collisions.
Adjusted the suffocation system.
Bug fixes [ ]
Fixed matchmaking issues.
Fixed a bug that caused Hannah to loop her executing animations.
Fixed a bug that caused explosives to sometimes break blast-proof blocks.
Fixed a bug causing players to not obtain clan coins and clan contribution points.
Fixed stone block textures missing on old Map Saves.
BedWars Update History
May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December