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Penguin Sleep
This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from December 23, 2022 - January 9, 2023

Sheila is a kit added in the December 23, 2022 update. She can only be obtained by purchasing the Holiday Bundle 2022. Her special entity is the seahorse. She is also in the Fighter class Fighter Class.

Movement class Abilities[]


Main article: Seahorse

Sheila will have an egg on her shoulder and an egg counter above the health bar upon spawning. Every 12 seconds, Sheila will passively gain 5 eggs. Defeating an enemy grants 0 - 100 eggs, depending on how long they're alive. Upon receiving 200 eggs, the egg will hatch and summon a seahorse, which will stay throughout the game until you are permanently eliminated. The seahorse will attack enemies and heal Sheila and her teammates. Gaining more eggs will make the seahorse evolve, further enhancing it and its abilities. Every 100 eggs will amplify the damage and healing, but it is amplified slower at a high amount of eggs. The seahorse has 3 major levels. The first level is obtained at 200 eggs, which is when the seahorse is hatched. It deals 2 damage, heals about 0.5 hp, and shoots one singular beam. The next level is unlocked at 600 eggs, and has the same stats but shoots 2 beams. At the last level obtained at 1500 eggs, the seahorse deals 6 damage, heals about 1.5 hp and shoots an ice beam which deals damage rapidly in ticks and slows down any player hit. It also does burst damage some times, but often just shoots 3 beams. Every 100 stacks after the final stage increases healing and damage by 3% from the base of the 1500-egg seahorse, but it stacks infinitely.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

December 23, 2022 Sheila Added Sheila.
Nerf Increased third stage threshold from 1000 eggs to 1500 eggs.
December 30, 2022 Nerf Gaining eggs now scales from 0 - 100 depending on how long the enemy has been alive.
January 13, 2023 Nerf Seahorse will only attack players Sheila has recently hit with a sword.
March 29, 2024 Nerf Sheila now loses 50 stacks on death, but the stack count can't go below a seahorse level threshold [200, 600, 1500].

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Sheila's seahorse acts in a similar way to the dragon from's now deleted game, Prop Hunt.
  • There was a bug where the player could accumulate eggs by killing themselves, by using TNT, fireballs, or other ways to damage themselves.
    • Though it has been patched, it may occur occasionally.
  • As of April 14, 2023, Sheila can no longer gain eggs from clones or entities.
  • Sheila is the third sea-related kit, the first being Fisherman and second being Axolotl Amy.
  • Sheila is one of the oldest kits to never receive a buff.

Tank class Gallery[]


Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]
