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This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from December 22, 2023 - January 3, 2024

Sigrid is a kit added on December 22, 2023. Her special entity is the elk, which can be mounted by them to traverse the map and damage enemies. She could be unlocked by purchasing the Holiday Bundle 2023 for Robux 1499 Robux . It is now unobtainable. She is in The Movement classmovement class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Elk Mount[]

Main article: Elk

Pressing R will make Sigrid mount or dismount her elk (dismounting has a 5 second cooldown before mounting) to traverse across the map, but can't use any items. While on the elk, she will gain a 40% speed boost and a 50% jump boost. The elk has stamina that drains when mounted, draining a bit faster when moving. The stamina will always start at 50% when spawning in. At full stamina, Sigrid can stay idle on it for up to 3 minutes while she can move on the elk without stopping for around 1 minute and 25 seconds maximum.

Sigrid can also make the elk ram into an enemy player by pressing V while mounted, which lasts 5 seconds. Upon using the ability, it will cut a ~20% of the elk's current stamina and increase the amount of stamina used by 20% while it is active. When the elk manages to hit an enemy with the ability, it will deal 20 damage while also knocking them high into the air. The damage scales up based on how long the ability was active for, up to 55 damage. Hitting blocks while the ability is active will make the elk "miss" and damage Sigrid for 20 HP from the recoil which scales based on how long the ability was charged for, while also ending the ability and starting the cooldown. The ability has a 15 second cooldown.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Sigrid as a movement kit can reach high levels of speeds with the click of a button. Her elk is able to travel across maps in few moments due to the sheer speed of it. Although niche, Sigrid can be used in matches to gather resources for the team. She can also be used to break beds as axes are not disabled when on an elk, allowing her travel to an enemy base quickly while they are distracted to break their bed and have a speedy getaway. However, her stamina bar can run out really quickly if it's not being managed correctly. Always remember to check the amount stamina she currently has and to preserve stamina when necessary. Her elk should not be used carelessly as you will end up learning quickly how useful the elk may be in certain situations.

She can use the Cloud enchant to gain extra speed when she's above the void. This also makes her harder to attack and hit with projectiles since she can avoid direct melee attacks while also quickly dodging projectiles.

Sigrid can also use her elk to run away in a situation where Sigrid is low and needs to prepare for a battle. This allows her to strategize while collecting resources to save the match.

However, where she truly shines is her uppercut ability. Her uppercut ability allows her to chip in extra damage to an enemy and gain the upper hand. The ability's damage can be increased based on how long Sigrid was charging the elk, making it do upwards to 55 damage, although it is affected by armor protection. The ability also sends the enemy in the air, making it possible for them take extra fall damage which ignores armor protection. This makes Sigrid able to deal great damage to an enemy before she can initiate a fight or combo. But beware, as the ability activation will cut a portion of the stamina and increase the amount of stamina used while the ability is active. Not only that, the amount of damage taken when missing the ability also scales based on how long the ability went on for, making Sigrid vulnerable due to having less health. Additionally, the enemy may also not take fall damage sometimes.

Overall, Sigrid's role as a movement kit is niche but can be rewarding if used right.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

December 22, 2023 Sigrid Added Sigrid.

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • According to a developer, Sigrid has the highest win rate across all gamemodes where kits are enabled.
  • Upon release, Sigrid was not marked as 'limited' and could be rented using kit rental tickets. This was shortly patched afterwards.
  • Sigrid is the Scandinavian word for victory.
  • Her original name was the "Elk Master".
  • There was a bug on mobile allowing players to attack others and build while using the elk.
  • There is an inconsistency between Sigrid's skin colors as her render image shows her as tan, while her model for the Holiday Bundle feature was white, and in-game she is mix of tan and white.
  • Sigrid originally had a different design before she was released.
    Old sigrid design

    Sigrid's beta design.
