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Taliyah is a kit that was added on July 7, 2023. Her special items are eggs, which lets her hatch her special item-entites which are chickens, which in turn let her sell them for currency or throw them to attack enemies. She can be unlocked by reaching player level 15. She is in the Economy classEconomy class.

Movement class Abilities[]


Main article: Egg

Eggs can be bought for random amounts of iron or emeralds depending on the current value, which will keep changing in game. The overall value of the eggs will go up the longer a match lasts but can decrease as well. Players can place eggs to let them hatch into chickens. Once a chicken hatches from an egg, players can press F or tap on a prompt to harvest the chicken while also clearing the egg's remains. Placed eggs can be destroyed if the egg takes damage.

Chicken Selling[]

Chickens can be sold for various amount of emeralds or iron. The value of chickens change every 1 minute and is always equal to the amount it takes to purchase an Egg.


Main article: Chicken

Chickens are acquired by gathering them from fully grown eggs. They can be sold to the shopkeeper for resources. Additionally, Chickens can be thrown to attack enemies. you can upgrade Chickens by upgrading your Chicken Nest in Item Shop. Depending on the chicken nest, chickens can be upgraded to increase their armor protection. [Normal nest: Free. Iron nest: 60 iron. Diamond nest: 2 emeralds. Emerald nest: 4 emeralds. Void incubator: 6 emeralds.]

Chickens to Resources Rate[]

Just above the player's health bar resides a conversion rate showing how much resources a single chicken is worth. Taliyah will be able to refer to this rate in order to know the current pricing of chickens and eggs. The shopkeeper will also send out announcements about their current prices as another way to notify players of changing prices. Chicken and egg prices are purely based on random number generation and follow the function below.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Taliyah Isn't just a chicken farmer who can make big profits. She's also a chicken farmer who can make an entire army! Her chickens serve to not only boost her economy, they can also fight for her should she summon them in battle. With her ability to hoard chickens to do either trading or fighting, she's more than just an economy kit but also a capable fighter. If she's focusing on her economy, she can buy and sell eggs in mass to make profits once prices go up. If she's focusing on battles, she can overwhelm the enemy with chickens while also staying far away from threats. Remember that Taliyah is just like any other economy kit that requires resources to work, so be sure to have a steady supply of Iron and Emeralds. Taliyah works best when she can reside at the base to farm while her teammates do the work outside of base, but she should also go out once in a while if she's prepared so she can collect Emeralds and help fight enemies.

In order to maximize the amount of resources earned through chicken selling, Taliyah must take advantage of two things, twin chickens and price increasing. As Taliyah, repeatedly buy and sell eggs to pick up chickens in hopes for twin chickens, resulting in more chickens for the price of one egg. Then, wait for a price change that happens every minute and 30 seconds. If the prices go down, then that just means you can buy even more chickens. If they go up, you can sell a few chickens to buy gear and then keep buying even more chickens. Price increase or not, the thing Taliyah players should be taking advantage of is the twin chickens chance as it allows you to ramp your economy should you get lucky. As mentioned before, just keep repeatedly buying and selling eggs to keep rerolling for the twin chickens. Twin chickens is how you make the real profits, and It's how you can grow your chicken army. Just be sure to set aside some of your profits to gear yourself up, as you're vulnerable if you have all chickens but no gear and die.

Chickens are useful when it comes to boosting the team economy or fighting alongside their team, but they need to be grown before doing so with the use of Eggs. Eggs are extremely vulnerable when they're growing, and even then the fully grown ones can be taken out if they're not picked up by Taliyah before an enemy gets to them. A well secured area should be designated for the eggs, otherwise you might lose a lot of progress when an enemy attacks your eggs if they're out in the open. The area should also be large for the ever growing size of the chicken population. If you don't have a large space, you'll waste time trying to place a few eggs in weird spaces when you could really be placing dozens in a large area made for them. When it comes to handling chickens, sell all of them in the early game for more eggs, but as the game progresses keep a few as summonable units, and in late game have a sizable stack of them ready. You'll reach a point where you make plenty of chickens to the point you can start building up an army comfortably alongside your farm.

The Chickens are aggressive once they spot an enemy, and they won't relent so easily until their target dies or outruns them. They're strong rushers that die easily, but that's hardly a problem because they're cannon fodder that make up for it in larger numbers. Taliyah players can always throw more chickens the moment they start to die, replacing them while keeping pressure on the enemy. You should also rush down the enemy alongside your chickens if you know they're too overwhelmed to focus on fighting you specifically. Be careful of any enemies using Life Steal to farm them for an easy source of health because they're easier to fight than you may think.

Taliyah's chickens are great at harassing enemies, and they also benefit from any enchants Taliyah may have. The best one for her and her chickens is the Static enchant, allowing for quick bursts of damage that don't stop until the enemy can take the chickens out. Static also counters any enemies with Life Steal trying to farm the chickens for health as the Zapped effect will cripple their healing. Fire is serviceable for an enchant, causing Taliyah's chickens to burn all enemies they attack for prolonged damage, but Static does a significantly better job at damaging enemies while also solving the issue of chickens being farmed with Life Steal.

As an economy kit who can surprisingly be one of the most formidable fighters should she have her army ready, Taliyah is a two-sided kit who can create large profits when she's farming and harass for great damage when she's fighting. Her chickens may be easily destroyed and killed, but their cannon fodder nature means this Isn't an issue so long as you have replacements ready. You'll be sitting at base for a majority of your time in the match watching your flock, but this is a worthwhile thing once you're able to spread your wealth to your team while also being just as capable in battle. It's not the end of the world if you lose all your chickens and eggs. Just rebuild from the ground up and show your enemies just how resilient and rapidly growing your army can be.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

July 7, 2023 Taliyah Added Taliyah.
March 15, 2024 Easter Taliyah Added the Easter kit skin.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Taliyah was directly taken from Islands, BedWars' sister game. She was an NPC in that game.
    • She can also be seen in the lobby at the queue area, hosting the Classic game mode queue.
  • This is the second kit to be seen as an NPC in the lobby, with the first being Evelynn.
  • This is the third kit to summon an entity from usage, with the first being the Spirit Catcher, second being Crypt and fourth being Cogsworth.
  • This kit is the first kit that allows players to sell something to the shopkeeper.
  • This is one of the kits that is majorly influenced by RNG.
  • Additionally, all of them are Economy kits.
  • On release, the Shop Keeper would offer prices up to 20 emeralds. This was removed shortly after.
  • The name Taliyah means "female lamb" even though Taliyah has chickens.
  • Taliyah can only deploy 3 chickens at a time.
  • Taliyah's name is similar to Kaliyah, but they have no relation whatsoever.
  • Taliyah was originally supposed to be the level 15 kit for the Season 8 Battlepass, but was later moved to player level 15 as the developers wanted to make this kit permanent.
  • When you throw a chicken to a player holding an Infernal Shield, the chicken becomes an enemy.
  • Taliyah has gotten herself an emote before she was added into the game.
  • Taliyah is the very first milestone kit to receive a kit skin.
  • The Easter Taliyah render was changed on an unknown date.
