BedWars Wiki

Telepearls are items that can be thrown to teleport the player. It was added with the game's BETA release, on May 28, 2021.

Economy class Obtaining[]


Telepearls can be purchased from the Item Shop for 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald each.

Blind Box[]

A telepearl has a chance of being given when a player purchases a Blind Box.


Players can steal telepearls using Milo's pickpocketing ability.

Defender class Usage[]


Telepearls are used to teleport from one location to another. Upon touching a block (after being thrown), the player will be teleported to that location. If the telepearl falls into the void, the player will not be teleported. When thrown to a ceiling, the player will teleport above it if there's less than 4 blocks in between where the telepearl was thrown and the space above.

Ranged class Strategy[]

A versatile tool for what it does, the Telepearl is a must have item when you're trying to accomplish a variety of things. The power to teleport is powerful as it can let you play aggressively and rush your opponents and their bed or defensively and flee to restock items, restore health, or to fight from a distance. With a price of 2 Emeralds, this thing is worth buying if you're planning something that could benefit from moving around faster and unexpectedly.

Some of the commonly understood times to use pearls include rushing an enemy bed that's been exposed, pulling a clutch by throwing it last second off a platform, and to rush towards an enemy or teammate that may need attention. These should be saved because of how useful teleporting is, but once you have a surplus of emeralds feel free to buy as many as you'd like. Thanks to the element of surprise through teleporting, they can also let you pull off plays that may require setting up beforehand such as attacking from a vantage point without being seen. It's countered by Gloops who are used by players that know you'll teleport towards them or try to flee, so be mindful of where and when you're planning to teleport. Overall, the Telepearl is a very simple but effective tool that is essential for any player in a match.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

May 28, 2021 Telepearl Added telepearls.
January 14, 2022 Buff Decreased price from 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald to 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald.
March 11, 2022 Nerf Jade, Void Regent, and Yuzi no longer have access to telepearls.
April 15, 2022 Buff Jade, Void Regent, and Yuzi now have access to telepearls.
September 9, 2022 Modified telepearl destination accuracy.
February 10, 2023 Nerf Increased price from 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald to 2 EmeraldsCroppedEmerald.

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • This item is based on ender pearl item from Minecraft.
    • However, unlike Minecraft, telepearls do not deal damage to the player when landing.
  • The teleport sound effect was used to play in early versions of the game, however, this was removed for unknown reasons.
    • The sound can still be heard when being teleported by a Lucky block.
  • As of January 21, 2022, some quests require players to travel a certain distance using the telepearl.
  • There is a chance that the pearl fails.