BedWars Wiki
Penguin Sleep
This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from October 23, 2021 - December 17, 2021

Trapper is a kit added in the October 23, 2021 update. Players could unlock it by reaching level 3 in Season 2. Players also need to have the Battle Pass purchased as well. Their special item is the snap trap.

Movement class Abilities[]

Snap traps[]

Main article: Snap Trap

Trapper can buy snap traps for 24 IronCroppedIron in the Item Shop which immobilizes the first enemy that stands on it for 1.75 seconds. Stunned enemies gain a temporary mark that increases the next damage they receive by 60%. The trap will become invisible to enemies briefly after being placed. The traps will also grant the grounded status effect to trapped enemies.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

October 23, 2021 Trapper Added Trapper.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Trapper could purchase Spider Trap for 28 IronCroppedIron.
  • Trapper is the lowest level kit in the game, being only level 3 in the season 2 battle pass.
