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This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from November 17, 2023 - April 5, 2024

Umeko is a kit added on December 1, 2023. His special weapon is a chakram, which acts as a boomerang and lets them fight at mid-range, and his special ability makes him turn invisible when taking melee damage. He could’ve been unlocked by reaching level 15 in the Season 9 Free Pass. He is in the Ranged classranged class.

Movement class Abilities[]


Main article: Chakram

Umeko can buy chakrams from the Item Shop for the same price as their sword counterpart, depending on the grade. They can be charged to then be thrown up to 19 blocks in front of where the player's avatar is facing. Once the chakram reaches the range limit, it will quickly return to Umeko, damaging any enemies in the way of the chakram. Chakrams have the ability to pierce through enemies, allowing it to hit multiple enemies at a time. The Chakrams also have the added bonus of having armor penetration, getting more armor penetration the better the Chakram tier. They will not be lost upon death.

Swords will not be replaced by chakrams, letting Umeko fight in both melee and mid-ranged combat.

Invisibility Jutsu[]

When Umeko is struck by a melee attack, they will turn invisible, leaving a puff of smoke and a log behind to signal his ability activation. When struck, he gains the Invisibility effect for 5 seconds, which turns him invisible. He also gains the Jutsu Recovering defect for 15 seconds, indicating a cooldown before his Invisibility Jutsu can activate again. Attacking or breaking blocks while invisible will decrease the duration of the invisibility.

Volume Icon Audio[]

Smoke Poof

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

December 1, 2023 Umeko Added Umeko.
September 13, 2024 Buff Increased the duration of Invisibility Jutsu.
Buff Decreased the duration of Jutsu Recovering.
January 31, 2025 Buff Decreased the cooldown of invisibility from 16 seconds to 12 seconds

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Umeko's Invisibility Jutsu ability is based on the Ninja Log trope, or kawarimi, a ninja technique involving switching places of two 'bodies', or in simple terms, swapping places with an object. In this case it involves Umeko and the log, a common substitution object in kawarimi.
  • It was announced by a Youtuber that in January 2024, Umeko was the most used kit. This information was given by the developers.
  • Umeko is pronounced 'OO-meh-koh', which means 'Child of a Plum'.
  • Chakrams do not seem to be affected by the Infernal Shielder's ability.
  • When using this kit, the player will have a unique running animation. The running animation resembles the stereotypical ninja running pose, with the player leaning forward and sticking their arms behind them as their legs shift quickly. This is purely for cosmetic effect. They do not get faster with animation.
    • This is a unique animation, and is not Roblox's Ninja Run.
    • Players not using the kit skin still have this animation.
  • Originally, the only Battle Pass seasons that had 5 kits in total were seasons 6 and 2.
    • Due to Umeko being last kit added into the season, Season 9 was the third season to have 5 kits in total, alongside the first two mentioned above,
