BedWars Wiki

Vulcan is a kit added on August 20, 2021. Their special items are camera turrets, which lets them shoot enemies remotely using a tablet. They can be unlocked by purchasing them directly for Robux 399 Robux , or by being gifted them by someone else. They are in the Defender classdefender class.

Movement class Abilities[]


Main article: Tablet

Vulcan spawns and starts the match with a tablet. The tablet can be used to control any camera turrets placed by them, but cannot control other turrets placed by their teammates since the Vulcan did not place those turrets.

Camera turrets[]

Main article: Camera Turret

Vulcan can buy camera turrets from the Item Shop for 1 EmeraldCroppedEmerald each, which can be controlled via the tablet to aim and shoot out projectiles that deal 10 damage and inflict considerable knockback. In the tablet GUI, Vulcan can swap through camera turrets and exit the turret view.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

August 20, 2021 Vulcan Added Vulcan.
February 4, 2022 Lunar Vulcan Added the Lunar kit skin.
November 4, 2022 Cyber Vampire Vulcan Added the Cyber Vampire kit skin.
June 21, 2024 Cream Soda Vulcan Added the Cream Soda kit skin.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • Vulcan is most likely named after the Roman god for fire and the forge, who shares the same name.
    • Vulcan is also one of the five kits with their name being that of a god or similar to a god, along with Ares, Zephyr, Nyx and Fortuna.
    • Their name might also be a reference to the Vulcans from Star Trek.
  • Lunar Vulcain is the first kit skin avainable in intermediate purchase to be limited. The second is Academy Aery and the third is Hexed Yuzi.
  • As of January 7th, 2025, Vulcan along with Marina are the only priced and permanent kits that have never been on the weekly kit rotations.
  • Vulcan's design is similar to Cypher from Valorant.
    • Cypher is also similar to Vulcan in terms of gameplay, with one of Cypher's abilities being able to use a camera to shoot darts at enemies.
