BedWars Wiki

Wool is a block that was added in the BETA release of the game. It is the most used block in the entire game and has numerous uses such as bridging, building and building up, protecting the bed, and traversing the map. Its color reflects on the player's team color. For gamemodes that have more than 8 teams, white wool will be substituted for teams that don't have their proper colors.



16 wool can be purchased for 8 IronCroppedIron the Item Shop.


Destroyer class Wool Breaking Data
Best Tool
Shears Graphic
Base Hits Needed
Axe Graphic
Pickaxe Graphic
Wood 4 4
Stone 4 4
Iron 4 4
Diamond 4 4
Shears 3



Wool is commonly used to bridge across gaps in maps and for placement.


May 28, 2021 Old Blue WoolOld Red WoolOld Green WoolOld Yellow Wool Added blue, green, red and yellow wool.
? Changed the look of green wool.
June 4, 2021 Cyan WoolOrange WoolPink WoolPurple Wool Added cyan, orange, pink and purple wool.
August 9, 2021 White Wool Render 2000x2000 Added white wool.
September 24, 2021 Buff Increased wool health from 6 to 10.
November 1, 2021 Blue WoolRed WoolYellow WoolGreen WoolCyan WoolOrange WoolPink WoolPurple Wool Changed the texture of all colored wool.
January 6, 2023 Nerf Decreased wool health from 10 to 8.
November 17, 2023 Brown WoolAdded brown wool.


  • Wool is the cheapest block.
  • Before June 2, 2021, players could break any colored wool and get that team's color.
  • This is the only block with different color variants.
  • When someone drops their team color's wool and a player picks it up, they get that color wool in their inventory.
  • Players can get White Wool in the Lucky Block when using a pop up tower, however when they break it, it turns into their team's colored wool.
  • In Skywars, there is Black and Lime teams, however they don't have their own colored wool.
  • Sometimes in bedwars, a block will have a black sand texture. The block is sometimes indestructible, similar to the bedrock block.
  • When breaking a lucky block there is chance of spawning a wool bridge heading to the center of the map/emerald generators. The bridge is made out of the different colored variants of the wool block.
  • Brown wool's picture has bad lighting, as one side is really dark.