BedWars Wiki
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This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from November 17, 2023 - April 5, 2024

Yamini is a kit added on November 17, 2023. He could be unlocked by reaching level 20 in Season 9 Battle Pass. His special abilities allow him to pounce and climb walls. He is in the movement Movement class class.

Movement class Abilities[]

Reduced Fall Damage[]

Yamini takes 50% less fall damage, as felines will always land on their feet.


Yamini can also passively climb up walls by walking in front of them. He will begin sliding down slowly if he stops climbing, and pressing SPACE will cause him to let go.




Yamini can press R or the pounce button on mobile to pounce, dashing 9-11 blocks forward with a jump and slashing nearby enemies in a 5x5 block radius. Enemies in the damage radius will take 10 damage and receive the decay effect, dealing 5 damage per second for 2 seconds. Yamini must wait 8 seconds before he can pounce again. This can be used mid-air, and will immediately activate climbing if he lands against a wall.

However, Yamini cannot use his pouncing ability while under the grounded status effect.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Yamini is a very mobile kit, both horizontally and vertically speaking. He's able to create or close the distance between himself and enemies via pouncing, climbing, or even just jumping from a great height, letting him disengage or engage enemies depending on the situation. The variety in his move set proves to be very helpful as it'll allow him to get to many places, especially ones that would be rather hard or impossible to get to normally. His pounce also serves as a damaging ability, letting fights become slightly easier should he be able to land this move. Make sure to use Yamini's agility effectively to do things such as moving around the map, pouncing onto enemies to start fights, and hanging onto the side of islands or scalable walls to make yourself hard to reach.

The reduced fall damage is very helpful when it comes to attempting risky plays. For example, you can get away with jumping off of a sky bridge onto the enemy team's bed defense, or maybe you might use it to prevent enemies from following you by jumping down from a great height. You could also just use the passive to mitigate annoying fall damage in general. Whatever it is, this is a nice passive to have that fits Yamini's mobile playstyle quite nicely.

Climbing is another useful passive that further opens up potential plays. Climbing up objects in the map will allow you to save blocks and not leave a trace of where you went, and it can be easier to do than towering in certain situations. Besides the vertical mobility in general, it also allows you to pull plays such as hanging on the side of an island after breaking the bed's plating to wait out the bed protection or wasting an enemy's time waiting for you to make a move after finding a spot to cling onto. Any damage you take can risk you falling off, so don't be a still target when there's a threat aiming at you.

The pounce is Yamini's version of a mobility kit's dash. Like other forms of dashes, Yamini can utilize this every few seconds to save time traversing the map. This dash also doubles as an attack, with the damage making fights slightly easier. The damage shouldn't be relied on when in fights, instead you should use the pounce's mobility as a way to readjust or to rush your opponent. When not using this to fight opponents, this move is very versatile in moving around the map, letting him negate fall damage and making use of his climbing passive more effectively on top of the extra horizontal mobility. You can even aim this move to change how high or far you pounce, so make use of it to make traversal easier.

Yamini is a very versatile mobile kit thanks to his passives and ability helping him accomplish many kinds of movement. On one hand he can be very hard to catch, and on the other he can be hard to lose if he were to ever chase you. His pounce may be the main ability, but the passives are just as important in making him a good mobility kit. Overall, Yamini is an agile kit that is great at movement of any kind. He may not have the best dash attack, but nonetheless the dash is helpful in fights in either running or engaging opponents. Make use of all the different types of movement, and you'll see just how fun yet practical he can be in your matches.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

November 17, 2023 Yamini Added Yamini.
November 20, 2023 Nerf Yamini can no longer use his pouncing ability while grounded.
November 24, 2023 Buff Reduced pounce cooldown from 8 seconds to 7 seconds.
Buff Increased size of Yamini's pounce attack.
Nerf Reduced pounce decay damage from 7 to 4.
June 14, 2024 Nerf Increased pounce cooldown from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.
January 3, 2025 Buff Decreased pounce cooldown from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • If a player dies from the decay effect from the pounce ability, the kill would be accredited to "BLEED". Similar to how suffocating would reward the kill to "SWORD".
  • When Yamini first climbs, he will not slowly drift down.
    • However, climbing the second time will make you drift down.
  • There is currently a bug where Yamini's pounce anti-cheats you back to where you first pounced.
  • This kits decay damage scales with Caitlyn's decay damage. Yamini's pounce will do the same damage, and increase it by 2. So if Caitlyn's decay did 8 damage, Yamini's pounce decay damage would do 10 damage.
