BedWars Wiki

Yuzi is a kit added on January 28, 2022. Her special items are daos, which let her dash forward to attack enemies. She could've been unlocked by purchasing the Lunar New Year Bundle 2022 for Robux 999 Robux , and currently can be unlocked by purchasing her directly for Robux 399 Robux , by opening her from an lucky crate, or by being gifted her by someone else. She is in the Movement classmovement class.

Movement class Abilities

Dao Swords

Yuzi's swords are replaced with daos for a slightly more expensive price, which can be used to dash when the attack is held, whilst being able to use them normally, dealing the same damage as their sword counterparts. Daos can also negate fall damage if Yuzi dashes just before hitting the ground.

Dao Dash

Yuzi's dao allows her to charge up for 0.5s before releasing a dash forward, dealing 18-34 damage (depending on what Dao she has) to all enemies in front while lunging 8 blocks forward (and one block up). There is a 3s cooldown between dashes.

Yuzi has 4 charges in her dash energy bar which will replenish slowly after not dashing for 10 seconds. The bar must have at least 1 charge to dash.

Hitting an enemy with the dash attack will refund 50% of the energy cost.

Volume Icon Audio

Whisper Unamused
This section is incomplete. Please continue to add info to this section until it is finished.
This section is lacking: All of the dash sounds for Yuzi.
Yuzi Dash Audio Dash
Normal/Year of the Tiger/Victorious File:Yuzi Dash Sound.ogg
Hexed File:Yuzi Dash Sound hexed.ogg
Snow Rabbit

Reroll Discounted Items History

January 28, 2022 Yuzi Added Yuzi.
Year of the Tiger Yuzi Added the Year of the Tiger skin.
February 11, 2022 Yuzi is now available for individual purchase for Robux 399 Robux .
March 11, 2022 Nerf Yuzi can no longer buy telepearls.
April 16, 2022 Buff Yuzi can now buy telepearls again.
June 17, 2022 Victorious Yuzi Added the Victorious skin.
October 20, 2023 Hexed Yuzi Added the Hexed skin.
December 27, 2024 Snow Rabbit Yuzi Added the Snow Rabbit skin.
January 10, 2025 Fixed Yuzi dash animation being cancelled by emoting

Fighter class Trivia

  • Yuzi is the second non-battle pass kit to be added after Season 3 released, with the first being Void Regent.
  • Yuzi goes the same distance as Jade and the Void Regent, but Yuzi's cooldown is shorter.
  • Dao Swords, when translated from Mandarin to English, are known as Knife Swords due to Dao (刀) meaning knife in Mandarin.
    • Dao swords are also real life swords, originating from China.
  • Yuzi's dash could damage enemies 16 blocks away from her. It can also hit opponents through 9 blocks.
  • Hexed Yuzi is the second animated kit skin. The first is Prismatic Evelynn and the third is Prismatic Marina.
  • In order for the dash to hit the opponent, they must be within a 16 block range. Both players must be on the same height for the dash to register.
  • Yuzi is tied as the fourth kit with the most kit-exclusive items, with 5 of them.
  • In some maps, players can travel across the entire map without using blocks.
  • Yuzi can dash further than 8 blocks if she takes knockback at the same time she dashes. This results in the player being flung much farther than normal. This does not affect the range of the AOE attack, however.
  • Yuzi cannot forge weapons (such as the Scythe, Dagger, Gauntlets, and the Great Hammer) and does not need to forge to purchase Dao Swords.
    • However, Yuzi's starter weapon can be only a regular sword instead of a Dao once upgraded.
      • This was changed in the June 27, 2023 update. which requires Yuzi to forge the dao to unlock the iron, diamond and emerald daos.
  • Yuzi may be named after 玉子 (Romanized: Yü Zǐ), meaning Jade.
  • Yuzi's clothing symbolizes luck as red is a lucky color in Chinese Culture.

Tank class Gallery

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery

