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This article is about unobtainable content, only players who previously unlocked this can use it. This means that the time period this content was obtainable has since concluded, and it is no longer going to return.
This content was obtainable from June 10, 2022 - September 23, 2022

Zephyr is a kit added in the June 10, 2022 update. Players could unlock him by reaching level 50 in the Season 5 Battle Pass. His special ability grants them the power of wind from killing players.

Movement class Abilities[]


After defeating a player or gaining an assist, Zephyr is granted a stack of wind Zephyr wind which increases his movement speed, and increases with more wind stacks, and adds a second "Wind Strike" to their attacks, which deal 4 (+1 for subsequent stacks) bonus damage with 50% armor penetration. Getting more past that will refresh the wind timer and increase the Player's movespeed. Dying or letting the effect expire will remove all stacks. The damage of wind strikes can be increased with team upgrades, forging, and the 'Critical Strike' enchant.

Wind Strikes also increase the attack speed of most weapons, notably the sword and especially dagger. Zephyr will not apply wind strike with the volcanic forge upgrade.

Gaining 5 wind stacks will grant Zephyr the ability to triple jump, deal +8 damage based on wind strikes, and move 40% faster.

Ranged class Strategy[]

Zephyr needs to accumulate a few kills or assists to increase his speed and damage to become stronger, so the Zephyr user should focus on getting 5 stacks earlier on in the game as soon as possible. However, Zephyr's wind time only lasts 50 seconds, so it is recommended to gain some kills as soon as possible if the user is about to run out of wind time. A good strategy would be to use the first 20 seconds of the time allotted to escape, regenerate, and purchase items if applicable, but when the timer reads under 30 seconds, the user should focus on getting a kill. If fighting a Zephyr user, the best option is to run away and let their timer expire, as the Zephyr user will be much easier to kill and have a more difficult time getting back to 5 stacks later on in the game.

In scenarios where an opponent is trying to escape or tower up, the triple jump can give the Zephyr user the advantage of reaching their opponent quickly and catching them off guard. The triple jump can also be used to mitigate fall damage provided the Zephyr user does not use the jumps beforehand and does not activate either of the two midair jumps too high in the air. Additionally, the triple jump can be particularly advantageous when navigating through complex terrain or avoiding obstacles, allowing the user to maintain a high level of mobility and outmaneuver their opponents.

A good strategy for the Zephyr user is to chase their nearest victim for a quick kill, so they can continue on being powerful. If a weak opponent is relatively close to the user, it's more often than not a good idea to chase them down and kill them instead of ignoring them, as the damage and speed provided by the kit allows the user to strafe and outdamage the other player. In cases where an enemy team is grouped up, it may be a better idea for a Zephyr user to avoid them entirely and if possible take the opportunity to break said team's bed, as risking a fight against upwards of 3 players is not recommended unless the Zephyr user has significantly better gear than the team.

Since Zephyr does not need to explicitly be the one to kill a player to gain a stack, creating a party with a teammate using a kit such as Aery or Miner could work, however this would take a decent amount of caution given the Zephyr user must not accidentally kill the enemy player before their teammate can finish off the opponent. Teaming up with a kit such as Noelle, Star Collector Stella, or Whisper would be better than teaming up with a kit such as Melody, Eldric, or Nyoka, given the former three do not need to follow the Zephyr user around manually in order to benefit them, whereas the latter three do, which is a much more difficult task given Zephyr's increased movement speed and triple jump.

Reroll Discounted Items History[]

June 10, 2022 Zephyr Added Zephyr.
June 11, 2022 Buff Increased speed bonus of wind.
Buff Increased duration of wind from 45 seconds to 75 seconds.
July 8, 2022 Fixed a bug that caused Zephyr to obtain 2 wind stacks after defeating a person.
July 15, 2022 Nerf Decreased wind armor penetration from 100% to 50%.
Late July 2022 Nerf Wind strikes no longer stacks with Effects.
August 5, 2022 Nerf Decreased duration of wind from 75 seconds to 65 seconds.
September 2, 2022 Nerf Decreased duration of wind from 65 seconds to 55 seconds.
November 4, 2022 Nerf Decreased duration of wind from 55 seconds to 45 seconds.
December 23, 2022 Buff Increased duration of wind from 45 seconds to 50 seconds.
March 24, 2023, announced March 31, 2023 Buff Zephyr can now triple jump at max wind stacks.
May 19, 2023 Nerf Decreased first wind stack strike damage from 5 to 4.
September 8, 2023 Buff Zephyr can deal 10% more damage to other tier 50 kits but also takes 10% more damage from other players that use any tier 50 kit.
March 8, 2024 Nerf Wind strikes now only apply to melee attacks and attacks from entities summoned by Zephyr as a band-aid patch to fix an infinite damage loop glitch with the Ice Sword.
March 1, 2024 Nerf Decreased the 2nd wind stack speed multiplier from 1.2 to 1.15.
Nerf Decreased the 3rd wind stack speed multiplier from 1.3 to 1.25.
Nerf Decreased the 4th wind stack speed multiplier from 1.4 to 1.3.
Nerf Decreased the 5th wind stack speed multiplier from 1.5 to 1.4.
Late 2024 Zephyr no longer deals 10% increased damage to other Tier 50 Battle Pass kits.

Spray Button Icon Emote Gallery[]

Fighter class Trivia[]

  • When Zephyr is equipped, players will have a wind like trail attached to them.
  • Zephyr is most likely named after the Greek god of the west wind, Zephyrus.
  • Zephyr is one of the five kits with their name being that of a god or similar to a god, along with Ares, Fortuna, Nyx and Vulcan.
  • The word "zephyr" means a soft light breeze.
  • Previously, there was a bug where players will get the wind stack gain effect when killing someone similar to how Zephyr gets a stack of wind. This did not grant the user any buffs unless they specifically were using Zephyr, which granted the player two wind stacks instead of one. This was fixed in the July 8, 2022 update.
  • Players may sometimes only get their wind timer refreshed instead of obtaining a stack when they get an assist.
  • If Zephyr gains 2 kills at the same time, he has the ability to gain 2 wind stacks instead of one.
  • Previously, there was a bug that allowed Zephyr to bypass stuns from items such as Trapper's Snap Trap and Alchemist's Sleep Splash Potion, as well as ignoring the slowing effect from balloons, aiming bows, and preparing to throw certain items. This was due to the fact his speed was formerly calculated by multiplying his base speed instead of increasing it by a percentage.
  • When playing as Zephyr, Anti-Cheat is disabled while the player has a stack of wind. This is likely a band-aid patch for the fact players would keep getting Anti-Cheated whenever they attempted to double jump as Zephyr during the early days of Season 5, when he was added.
  • In the August 16, 2024 update, a new post to the Newsman was added, similar in quality to an actual newspaper, which included a section reading: Prince Zephyr has not been seen since the unrest.
